
More KOTCS-SOKing screenshots, courtesy of Amazon 06 Mar, 2009 / Comments: 6

The individual product pages for the various releases of Staff of Kings on Amazon each feature a handful of screenshots for their respective versions. The Wii page only has screens already seen, but the DS page has some new ones, and the PS2 and PSP pages have nothing but new ones. Check them out, won't you?


  • Capn_Nacho on 06 Mar, 2009, 22:05…
    The PSP version actually looks pretty promising, at least visually. It looks like it's all resources from "Staff of Moses", though these appear to be actually in-game. Hell, the PSP's Dr. Jones looks more like Harrison Ford than the Wii's.
  • Diduz on 06 Mar, 2009, 20:37…
    Unreliable. The "PS2" screens are from the Wii version: the icons of the WiiMote and the Nunchuck are pretty visible in some of them.
    The graphics look good, though.
  • Jake on 06 Mar, 2009, 19:16…
    Nice headline.
  • The Tingler on 07 Mar, 2009, 09:53…
    Should've left off the 'T' though...
  • Udvarnoky on 07 Mar, 2009, 23:13…
    You really don't have to cheat.
  • Lagomorph on 06 Mar, 2009, 18:41…
    The PS2 version looks exactly the same, even the (lack of a) satchel, figures. And the Psp version isn't far off either.