
"Monkey Island EGA to VGA" exposed; elTee makes a glorious comeback to Mojo 31 Oct, 2018 / 10 comments

Look, I'm as shocked as you are. In the 15+ years I've known elTee, aka LucasTones, I have never known him to be a con. But now? That Monkey Island EGA to VGA image? Fake news! And I'm clearly not to blame, as Tones admits in his introduction…

I can only apologise. I wasn't trying to trick anyone, it was just a bit of fun. Then after a bit of joking around on Slack, one thing led to another, and suddenly the damn image ended up on the front page of Mojo. I guess that’s what happens when you promise Remi you’ll deliver an article, but instead go to the pub, and then four years elapse.

OK, so maybe I'm partly at fault. Even close to fully. However! It wasn't really a fake screenshot, was it? It was from a genuine, playable moment in The Secret of Monkey Island, with the EGA graphics ported VGA style. So how did it happen? And how can you do it yourself?

Read Tones's glorious Mojo comeback, in what I personally find to be our most fascinating article in years. (Granted, the competition isn't stiff.) Read, and then forgive us. We did it out of love.



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    elTee on 01 Nov, 2018, 17:29…


    Bummer, it's not even April the 1st.
    I totally trusted this.
    Love you anyway, guys.

    Basically, if Remi posts something too good to be true, assume he's blackmailing someone!
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    Remi on 01 Nov, 2018, 15:06…


    Bummer, it's not even April the 1st.
    I totally trusted this.
    Love you anyway, guys.

    1. Why on earth would you trust us?

    2. Halloween -- both trick and treat!
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    Rum_Rogers on 01 Nov, 2018, 14:50…
    Bummer, it's not even April the 1st.
    I totally trusted this.
    Love you anyway, guys.
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    Jones Jr on 01 Nov, 2018, 10:04…


    This is why I fucking love Mojo

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    neon_git on 01 Nov, 2018, 08:38…
    This is why I fucking love Mojo
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    elTee on 01 Nov, 2018, 08:37…
    That's Remi, making more promises I can't keep!
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    KoneJone on 01 Nov, 2018, 07:21…
    For some reason this whole chain of deceivement made me so happy I had to look for my password to login here to tell you this.
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    Remi on 01 Nov, 2018, 03:01…



    By elTee, who from this day will deliver monthly articles.

    I look forward to this regular content.

    So about that…
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    custard on 01 Nov, 2018, 02:01…


    By elTee, who from this day will deliver monthly articles.

    I look forward to this regular content.
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    bgbennyboy on 31 Oct, 2018, 23:10…
    I am shocked.. at tones actually delivering an article.
    Well done that man. He's right too, that ega sunset is lovely.

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