
Monkey Island 30th Anniversary Anthology now available for pre-orders 04 Dec, 2020 / 10 comments

If you've wanted to buy the Monkey Island 30th Anniversary Anthology from Limited Run Games, pre-orders started about two minutes ago and will end January 31st, 2021, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time (US). It's got the games! It's got a behind-the-scenes book! It's got a statue! It's got a $174.99 price tag. If that sounds appealing to you, get pre-ordering, as this is a limited run (hey, that's the company's name!).

Source: Limited Run Games



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    Rum Rogers on 05 Dec, 2020, 18:40…
    60 additional bucks, but it's all mine now! Can't wait.
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    Glo_kidd on 05 Dec, 2020, 17:21…
    what really frightens me is what type of prices this will command in 5-10 years from resellers. I know me, if I don't grab it now at this price I'll either end up paying twice or triple that amount later or just never getting one and pining after it forever
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    Threepwood4life on 05 Dec, 2020, 16:34…
    Would love to get this, but just down to cost and i bet shipping cost and import tax to UK is high
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    St_Eddie on 05 Dec, 2020, 15:52…


    I wish they didn't put this up right before Christmas, since I won't have enough money to buy it this month.

    There's only one solution to this quandary; kidnap Rudolf and sent a ransom note to Santa, telling him that either Monkey Island 30th Anniversary Anthology boxset is placed beneath your tree this Christmas, or a butcher's knife will ensure that Rudolf's nose won't be the only thing that's visibly red upon his body this festive season.
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    Jennifer on 05 Dec, 2020, 15:44…
    I wish they didn't put this up right before Christmas, since I won't have enough money to buy it this month.
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    JonesJr on 05 Dec, 2020, 05:47…


    Wait, my shipping was $40 but I didn't select an option. Have I accidentally got the crap shipping?

    According to the flat earth map, I'm as far from the USA as you can get, so that is probably how the shipping was calculated?

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    Glo_kidd on 05 Dec, 2020, 00:15…



    The shipping hurt worse :(
    $60+ on top of the box is a killer...

    Wait, my shipping was $40 but I didn't select an option. Have I accidentally got the crap shipping?

    mine was 40 too, im in canada and this ships from us. I'm not sure what it would be too over seas, maybe thats where the 60 is coming in
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    elTee on 05 Dec, 2020, 00:06…


    The shipping hurt worse :(
    $60+ on top of the box is a killer...

    Wait, my shipping was $40 but I didn't select an option. Have I accidentally got the crap shipping?
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    JonesJr on 04 Dec, 2020, 22:50…
    The shipping hurt worse :(
    $60+ on top of the box is a killer...
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    Glo_kidd on 04 Dec, 2020, 16:44…
    Just Pre-ordered, damn my Canadian rubles aren't worth much these days. that one is going to sting but its worth it

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