
Mojo6 Strikes Back: Mojo6 Strikes Back 23 Feb, 2003 / Comments: 5

Here are a couple of new old features that were deemed salvageable by, well, me. They are both from the Mojo 6 era, which occurred from early-ish 2000 to late-ish 2000. Now, if you'll follow me, let's step forward... INTO THE PAST!

Today's Offering:
  • Rebel Assault II Review, by DJG
  • E3 Expo 2000 Coverage, by Jake

  • Check them out, and please, don't judge the authors by their apparent giddiness/friendliness/optimism. In the three years it's been since these articles were written, they've both outgrown those troublesome traits. For instance, Jake is entirely baffled as to how he was ever so enthused over anything, ever. Read on, and beware.


    • Sloth on 23 Feb, 2003, 18:56…
      "E3 Expo"? Isn't that a little redundant? It's like the people who say "ATM Machines"...
    • Jake on 23 Feb, 2003, 19:11…
      Actually I was hoodwinked into attending a trade show made especially for the people who put on E3 each year. Fortunately LucasArts got the same letter as me, so I was able to check out EMI.
    • GJ on 02 Mar, 2003, 01:03…
      Lucky. XP Were there any famous lucasarts people there or was it all just lucasarts minion-employees?
    • Jake on 23 Feb, 2003, 02:07…
      I think it was E3 2000 that killed me actually. God, I mean how can someone like me deal when he discovers all the great potential and promise of the Infernal Machine N64 port was just flushed away to the forlorn world of Blockbuster exclusives. Well, I'm off to cry myself to sleep like I've done for the past 3 years.
    • csenosiain on 24 Feb, 2003, 04:45…
      so that's why you're so bitter now