I mean, we knew it was gonna happen, right? Return to Monkey Island in a glorious, limited box.
$89; $60 for an anthology “upgrade kit.” What do you get? We’re talking LeChuck’s onboarding pamphlet; a letter from Ron and Dave (presumably the ingame one); the scrapbook; a blowfish stress ball; the Chum lure pin; a platform specific golden key (just so you can buy five copies); a poster; booklet. And what do you know—a soundtrack!
This is what second mortgages are made of.

I guess I will still buy it as this will most probably be the only chance to buy a physical box of this game. And it is an original and not a rerelease.
I'm holding out for a working voodoo doll.
You would need to check at ETSY then in the future.
I thought I'd totally leap at this and be among the first 100 pre-orders. But ... I mean, I've studied the offer for 10 minutes now and inflation has probably risen by another 2% in that time. It's the watched pot thing. I can't afford to buy anything this pricey. And I don't care how sour these grapes are, the feelies are really not that inventive.
The blowfish in all its probable two inch glory is cool and all, but a redrawn cloth map or an apology frog, that would have been the thing.
Well, I guess we need to make a redrawn cloth map or an apology frog by ourselves then.
The blowfish in all its probable two inch glory is cool and all, but a redrawn cloth map or an apology frog, that would have been the thing.