
Mojo Video of the Week 26 Jun, 2011 / 3 comments

This week's selection from the video archives is an excellent sit-down that 1up arranged with seven LEC ex-developers: Tony Hsieh, Larry Ahern, Ron Gilbert, Dave Grossman, Bill Tiller, Noah Falstein, and Mike Levine. This was recorded in 2008, and supposedly a lot of material ended up on the cutting room floor. Not sure what role a cutting room floor needs to ever play when it comes to footage of these guys reminiscing about the olden days, but you'll have to take that up with 1up.



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    BillieJoe86 on 28 Jun, 2011, 01:13…
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    Ascovel on 26 Jun, 2011, 13:30…
    I'd love to sweep these guys' cutting room floor.
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    Kroms on 26 Jun, 2011, 10:10…
    This is still my favourite Mojo-related video ever.

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