
Mojo Video of the Week 19 Jun, 2011 / 5 comments

To quote Crow T. Robot, there's no tradition like a new tradition, and why not one to raise awareness of the newly launched video archive that Zaarin unveiled a single news post ago? Every Sunday, we'll fish a video from the ever-growing collection to award the front page treatment. Like, remember this Armed & Dangerous trailer?

What a fun-looking game! I'm sure it will sell like hotcakes. Anyhow, I think you get the idea. Check back next week for another selection, which will be no difficult investment being that you visit us every day for the general wealth of quality gunk we always have on tap for you!



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    Kroms on 21 Jun, 2011, 08:55…


    What are Planet Moon doing these days..?

    Save yourself the heartbreak; don't look it up.
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    jp-30 on 21 Jun, 2011, 06:17…
    Such a great game, even if it was a bit dumbed down from Giants: Citizen Kabuto. I will have to install it again, sometime.

    What are Planet Moon doing these days..?
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    Jason on 21 Jun, 2011, 01:19…


    This game never came to Spain I think...

    But it did come to Steam.
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    graph on 21 Jun, 2011, 00:15…
    This game never came to Spain I think...
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    Capn_Nacho on 19 Jun, 2011, 22:29…
    Oh, open your heart and let the Patrick Swayze Christmas in

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