Articles Switch to! 02 May, 2014 / 13 comments

You, as us, probably love a good Mojo downtime. Not to mention a good Mojo-domain-not-renewed-time. And that is the current problem: is dead (for now) and we have (possibly) temporarily migrated to

So, if you have bookmarks or RSS feeds pointing to .com, please change them to Plus, feel free to spread the word about this on Twitter, Facebook, whatever if you so feel like it. Thanks!

“ Like, just one letter shorter!”



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    Shmargin on 08 May, 2014, 00:57…



    The problem is that Spaff has become a mythological deity, and as the continuing owner of the domain it's entirely down to his divine whim whether or not it's renewed.

    Made even more difficult that he doesn't know his login information, nor have access to the email address on file. :~

    Yeah that sucks. Thats why I never change email addresses. I've had my current one for a decade, and had my last one before that for nearly as long.
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    Murray-Mint on 07 May, 2014, 16:50…



    The problem is that Spaff has become a mythological deity, and as the continuing owner of the domain it's entirely down to his divine whim whether or not it's renewed.

    Made even more difficult that he doesn't know his login information, nor have access to the email address on file. :~

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    Remi on 07 May, 2014, 15:41…


    The problem is that Spaff has become a mythological deity, and as the continuing owner of the domain it's entirely down to his divine whim whether or not it's renewed.

    Made even more difficult that he doesn't know his login information, nor have access to the email address on file. :~
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    Thrik on 07 May, 2014, 12:22…




    Every domain I have ever registered sends me like 20 emails a week for a month leading up to it expiring...

    Or you could buy a calendar...

    Yes, because it's clearly a simple case of us ignoring emails, and not knowing when it expires… ¬

    Hahaha, well, clearly I'm not experienced in running huge entertainment networks like IHOM, but from my limited experience with domain names, it would seem so.

    1. Domain name needs to be renewed.

    2. You receive an email saying so a month in advance.

    3. You pay the renewal fee, and the website stays online.

    Mojo seems to get lost somewhere in there, perhaps an amber fish on a string could help? Or a donation button, if step 3 is the problem. But in my experience hosting costs outweigh domain fees, but Mojo seems to always fail on the domain renewal portion. But again, maybe Mojo is just out of my league as far as what is required to keep a domain name.

    The problem is that Spaff has become a mythological deity, and as the continuing owner of the domain it's entirely down to his divine whim whether or not it's renewed.
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    Shmargin on 06 May, 2014, 06:22…



    Every domain I have ever registered sends me like 20 emails a week for a month leading up to it expiring...

    Or you could buy a calendar...

    Yes, because it's clearly a simple case of us ignoring emails, and not knowing when it expires… ¬

    Hahaha, well, clearly I'm not experienced in running huge entertainment networks like IHOM, but from my limited experience with domain names, it would seem so.

    1. Domain name needs to be renewed.

    2. You receive an email saying so a month in advance.

    3. You pay the renewal fee, and the website stays online.

    Mojo seems to get lost somewhere in there, perhaps an amber fish on a string could help? Or a donation button, if step 3 is the problem. But in my experience hosting costs outweigh domain fees, but Mojo seems to always fail on the domain renewal portion. But again, maybe Mojo is just out of my league as far as what is required to keep a domain name.
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    Jason on 05 May, 2014, 22:20…
    Happy to see us back up. I thought for sure this was going to be akin to that fifth heart attack that finally finishes off the fat guy.

    You laugh, but Mojo literally has got a tattoo chiseled across its chest that reads: "Don't crack my ribs; let me die."
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    Remi on 05 May, 2014, 17:59…


    Every domain I have ever registered sends me like 20 emails a week for a month leading up to it expiring...

    Or you could buy a calendar...

    Yes, because it's clearly a simple case of us ignoring emails, and not knowing when it expires… ¬
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    Shmargin on 04 May, 2014, 07:38…
    Every domain I have ever registered sends me like 20 emails a week for a month leading up to it expiring...

    Or you could buy a calendar...
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    DrMcCoy on 03 May, 2014, 22:18…
    It's every year the same with you... :(
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    Artisa on 03 May, 2014, 21:31…
    Yeah I just got a scare when I checked the .com website XD

    Way to migrate so quickly though! :)
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    clone2727 on 03 May, 2014, 18:12…
    This happens way too often...
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    Melancholick on 03 May, 2014, 15:51…
    You guys could always ask the Shopkeeper to extend a note of credit.
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    valkian on 03 May, 2014, 15:01…
    Woops! Things have been so calm in the mojo front that we forgot to pay the bills. I'm afraid that this might hurt the huge traffic drives and thus the Mojo stock will fall somewhat.

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