
Maybe It's Mojo, or Maybe It's Me? 11 Sep, 2002, 22:05 / 11 comments

Since Mojo is notorious for *cough*some occasional downtime*cough*, and we all love you to death for still reading our site despite our *cough*outtages*cough*, we've got a special treat for all you addicts. Mojo reader and more, Riffage, has made a small PHP powered glee machine he calls the Mojo Server Checker.

This handy page lets you check to see if Mojo is really dead of if it's all some bizarre video game level inside your mind. All hopefully without the need to try and hack our server! I'm sure if you have any questions about it, Riffage will be glad to answer in the comments.


  • Riffage on 12 Sep, 2002, 11:45…
    dammit we really REALLY need to be able to delete comments
  • Riffage on 12 Sep, 2002, 07:48…
  • DJG on 12 Sep, 2002, 05:37…
    hahahahahaha that's brilliant.
  • Tall Guy on 12 Sep, 2002, 04:07…
    heh, great, hopefuly we wont need to use it though as mojo will NEVER go down again will you mojo? won't :) nice work :D
  • CaliMonk on 11 Sep, 2002, 23:27…
    Nice, shame the pictures don't work for the sites :P
  • Riffage on 12 Sep, 2002, 06:26…
  • Metallus on 12 Sep, 2002, 07:38…
    I'm getting most of the images to come in, but a couple are broken for me.
  • Riffage on 12 Sep, 2002, 08:09…
    from the script? maybe the 20 second timeout is too long for some browsers, what are you using?
  • chuzwuzza on 12 Sep, 2002, 09:32…
    All the images except 2 are loaded for me. Mojo site and Lucasforums site. I tried to open the images themselves in a new tab (I use Galeon web browser) but it told me it couldn't connect to

    Why on earth is it trying to connect to
  • bgbennyboy on 12 Sep, 2002, 09:41…
    heh thats a lan network address
  • Riffage on 12 Sep, 2002, 11:46…
    errr yeah, thats my internet pc, what did you do to make it come up? (ie. which image)


    Ok, fixed it, i forgot to change that part of the code of which image to show, sorry, all working now! :)

    Also the address to the page has changed, its now...

    just a bit easier to remember, REMEMBER to bookmark it!