
Marius’s “Monkey Island 2 Flash Film” is live… right now! 27 Jun, 2022 / 6 comments

Screw the ReMI trailer, Marius once again delivers the goods. An epic retelling of Monkey Island 2 in the style of his old “I Wonder What Will Happen…” flash films, this is… I mean, just watch the thing! (I don’t actually know what it is, as, as I said, it’s live… literally right now!)



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    jolly_old_saint on 03 Jul, 2022, 03:00…
    Aaaaaaaaa this is perfect!!! ^,^
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    OzzieMonkey on 28 Jun, 2022, 00:11…
    This was such a fantastic tribute to the game and also just hilarious in its own right. Marius, you've really grown so much as an animator and a storyteller since the last flash movies (which were already great!). Your love for the series has always shined so brightly through these videos, and it was no different this time. Serious congratulations are in order for putting this together and making something very special. My heart is so full of joy from watching this :)
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    Kroms on 27 Jun, 2022, 16:37…
    That was fantastic, Marius. Loads of great choices that added to it.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 27 Jun, 2022, 16:36…
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    AlfredJ on 27 Jun, 2022, 16:07…
    Oh man this makes me so happy.

    Top 3 favorite things:

    3. The people dressed as the Monkey 1 code wheel pirates at Elaine's party.

    2. The reference to Guybrush escaping the acid pit by peeing the candle out instead of spitting it out when playing Monkey 2 in easy mode.

    1. Dominic as Monkey 1 Guybrush!!!

    This is the good stuff.
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    Jake on 27 Jun, 2022, 15:40…
    That was so good!

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