
Maniac Mansion Explored 07 Jul, 2005, 00:19 / 2 comments

Udvarnoky (by way of UK Gamer Man at Ron Gilbert's Grumpy Gamer Blog has posted in the mojo forums about an in depth article recalling the development of Maniac Mansion recently posted at Edge Online Magazine
Bad horror movies, Gilbert identifies, were the game?s spiritual origin. ?Gary and I tried to pull every clich? we could think of into the game and really make fun of the genre. Everyone in it was a stereotype. A little known fact is that most of the characters in the game are based on real people Gary and I know, but I?m not saying who for fear of reprisals.? Consider it a necessary breach of the journalist code, then, that when we reveal that Razor was inspired by Winnick?s girlfriend and that Dr Fred?s deviant nurse wife Edna was based on Gilbert?s mother, we also withhold the source of that information, saving that person the inconvenience of joining a witness protection programme even though we may now have to do so ourselves.
You'll be rushing off immediately to read the whole article, won't you?


  • Bobbin Threadbare on 15 Mar, 2006, 09:46…
  • jp-30 on 11 Jul, 2005, 08:19…
    Anyone got the actual magazine? There may be an article sidebar mentioning the game Ron Gilbert is currently working on...