Made fun of for being a LucasArts Fan 08 Feb, 2002 / Comments: 37
Ex-Mojo News Editor and GameStop employee Sarah has written an editorial feature about getting made fun of for being a fan of LucasArts that isn't in it for the Star Wars games. Definitely worth a read.
Another brilliant addition to the "Time-Traveling Law Enforcer" genre. Considering the success of other such stories, this one is sure to become a classic.
And since that's probably the truth, I no longer like LEC.
I prefer the days of gaming when the makers made games because they wanted to play them. Perhaps in the future, much like movies, there will be something of an 'indie' genre of games.
I'm hoping we'll see the next Grim sooner rather than later. I'm still hopeful that will happen.
Remember Lucasarts Quality not Quantity
Not to mention the fact that I consider movies, music, and even video games to largely be an art form (hope that's not stretching it too much -- but I can hardly call Grim Fandango less artistic than any movie). It's called LucasArts Entertainment Company, let's not forget.
This is not supposed to be all about money.
anyway we can now say that when a game creates such a good epos or the game is settled in a good already exisiting epos (starwars) it will probably be a nice game. what's forgotten that gameplay is also required. and with the creation of starwars games, that's definitly forgotten.
i would accept lec if they'd create the huge amount of starwars games to make money to invest in creating games for adventure fans like us. :)
This from a man who has had as his address for about 6 years. Zero is right on the account that you 'Regular LECers' have had a good game more recently then 'we' have.
DF and JK were both high water marks for the entire FPS genre when they were released. It was almost like LEC went from making non-sw games to mostly sw-games to just about all starwars games (and crappy ones at that).
Indeed, that overall progression is not something to be so happy about, especially from someone in your position. Things are looking up on the Star Wars end of things, at least. Maybe other kinds of LEC games will pick up too. The cycle will reverse! (okay maybe not).
Wishfull thinking - moi?
When watching that JK2 trailer...the starwars march played up at the start...who DIDNT think.."Ohhh the horror, not again that tune!" :) Well I did, and I used to love that theme. Now it's become an annoying tune that marks a bad starwars game. Because LEC not only not creates any good originals anymore but the games they do make, the starwars ones, usually aren't all that well either! Okay so Starfighter was good and JK2 will perhaps be but there have been far too much bum-games around that made starwars games nothing special anymore. And it used to be you know, a starwars game used to be special...
Let alone the fact that they started the company making solely original titles; SW titles didn't show up until much later.
Where are the classic adventure games?
Sure LEC milks their SW license, but that's why they were created. I want to see more original titles as well... but it's been an off year since last E3. Hopefully things will change in May.
Mansion, which was dropped in our laps in 1987, was still LucasFilm Games. Yes, the golden years were upon us. Monkey Island, Loom, Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe... LEC was making great games before the Star Wars ones appeared, but if you look at their initial SW releases: they were probably waiting for the technology to catch up. X-Wing was the premier SW title.
Most Star Wars fans of late haven't been happy with anything for four/five years. So in the war of 'Adventure vs SW'... at least adventure lovers had Grim Fandango in 1998 ;)
I mean, would LEC even risk another adventure game today if it didn't sell lots of popular StarWars stuff?