
MI2:SE release date confirmed in humorous new trailer 15 Jun, 2010 / 16 comments

Just in case you hadn't surmised as much from the (rather numerous) previous news reports, LucasArts has finally confirmed that the release date for Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, Special Edition will be July 7.

The news comes in the form of a short but funny new trailer released by LucasArts on Facebook. Also it's viewable (in somewhat smaller form) on the MI2:SE official LucasArts website.

There's no new gameplay footage, I'm afraid, but then again, many of our readers were recently complaining that too much had been revealed already. So no harm done.

Also apparently it's rated E-10+ by the ESRB? And EMI got rated Teen, of all things.

Source: Mojo Forums



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    Scurvyliver on 16 Jun, 2010, 16:13…
    Wow I loved the look of the CGI, very nice. I would love to see more.

    I just realised something, That while I LOVE Doms voice for Guybrush, that was the first time I had seen it coming from old Guybrush and it didn't really resonate well with me.

    I think his lively voice and acting style does not suit the static 2d graphics. Or maybe I'm just not used to it.
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    Jake on 16 Jun, 2010, 16:03…
    According to Dominic Armato over on the Telltale forums, the impressive 3D portions of the trailer were animated by Blur Studio (creators of many high quality pre-rendered game trailers), and the pedigree shows. Those guys always make top quality, polished stuff. It does a great job of highlighting the strongest elements in the MI2:SE style.
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    clone2727 on 16 Jun, 2010, 04:38…


    I'm going to start calling you Boyd Cooper from now on.

    I didn't get that reference and had to look it up. :(

    It might help to one day actually play through Psychonauts beyond the first training level.
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    The Tingler on 16 Jun, 2010, 02:37…
    Haha I wondered what the hell that was in the bushes! I thought it was a huge aubergine I'd never noticed before!
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    Sabre on 15 Jun, 2010, 23:32…
    Earl Boen's laughter is awesomely done, as always.
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    Jason on 15 Jun, 2010, 23:27…
    It warms my hard to think a Monkey Island CGI sequence was made at some point not long ago in a LucasArts office. Never to early to prepare for MI6!
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    Kroms on 15 Jun, 2010, 22:06…


    I hated the 2D portion of the trailer. They changed the phone number, LucasArts logo, and Chester's hair color. Hopefully it's the same as the original in MI2:SE. The original phone number was a joke in itself...

    So was the second. Actually, I see no reason as to why they'd change it. It's for the trailer Miss Paranoia.

    I'm going to start calling you Boyd Cooper from now on.
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    clone2727 on 15 Jun, 2010, 22:04…
    I hated the 2D portion of the trailer. They changed the phone number, LucasArts logo, and Chester's hair color. Hopefully it's the same as the original in MI2:SE. The original phone number was a joke in itself...
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    Melancholick on 15 Jun, 2010, 21:58…
    Okay, the changing of "Chester's" hair from black to white is absolutely brilliant. Any chance of that voice actually belonging to the person who was represented in the original MI: 2?
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    Laserschwert on 15 Jun, 2010, 21:55…
    HERE's one with fixed audio-sync.
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    Kroms on 15 Jun, 2010, 21:42…
    Yeah, loved that CGI trailer. Kinda wish MI2:SE Guybrush was that expressionable. The environments were great, the lighting was great. Heh. Hmm.
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    Rapp Scallion on 15 Jun, 2010, 20:17…
    Fantastic, I'd love a game in that style as well. That's the second best CGI-Guybrush I've ever seen. Oh heck, it IS the best!
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    black_sheep on 15 Jun, 2010, 19:45…
    That. Was. Awesome!!
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    QueZTone on 15 Jun, 2010, 19:23…
    that was awesome! i'd love a new monkey game in that style! :D
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    Threepwood4life on 15 Jun, 2010, 19:14…
    The CGI model of Guybrush looks very much like the EMI Guybrush especially with his facial expressions.

    Very good trailer, 7th July doesn't seem that far away.
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    Laserschwert on 15 Jun, 2010, 18:56…
    Wow... I mean... like... wow!

    I'd happily take a new MI game that looks like THAT... or a movie... awesome, funny, wonderful! :-)

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