
Lucidity Reviewed 09 Oct, 2009, 22:55 / 12 comments

The game is out, and the reviews are starting to appear.

Perhaps you've already given Lucidity a play -- but if you're still wondering if its worth your time, be sure to read our review by Surplus Gamer.


  • The_Petrified_Monkey on 10 Oct, 2009, 23:35…
    I had a quick playthrough of the trial on XBLA but felt that it suffered from poor controls. This was of course partly to do with analogue sticks against mouse control.

    Does the PC version improve on this enough for it to be a worthwhile purchase?
  • SurplusGamer on 11 Oct, 2009, 14:04…
    Some people have experienced problems of poor control on the PC version, too.
  • The Tingler on 11 Oct, 2009, 15:01…
    Yeah, I thought they'd be better, but I think they might be worse. I keep wanting to place the objects wherever I want, not in the game's 'assigned slots'.
  • Jake on 10 Oct, 2009, 20:14…
    Article front page art: approved.
  • Gabez on 11 Oct, 2009, 11:00…
  • bgbennyboy on 10 Oct, 2009, 16:04…
    A good review, that sadly chimes with some of the other comments I've heard about Lucidity. Nice art and concept - shame about the gameplay.
  • elTee on 10 Oct, 2009, 10:16…
    Heh, I was sort of hoping you'd like Lucidity. This depresses me, because I'd still probably not want to play it, but I could feel pretty good if I knew that there was a new great LucasArts game available.

    I think the points you've made are very strong - bad gameplay mechanics, strong atmosphere (through visuals and music/sound design.) They've got half of the winning combo from the classic adventures, which is as you say, very promising.

    I think there are people in LEC who want to make adventure games, they're just scared to be the first person to make a new SCUMM game and mess it up. We need someone to be bold, perhaps.
  • Kroms on 10 Oct, 2009, 09:10…
    Good review, Surplus, and very fair. Almost makes it seem, to me, that they could have benefited from playing Ico a couple of times.
  • SurplusGamer on 10 Oct, 2009, 11:13…
    Well from the point of view of making an art game I feel like they're only halfway there. The great thing about Ico and Shadow of the Colossus and even Braid and Portal is that they all had these great atmospheres and the gameplay itself fit in so well with the atmosphere that you didn't have to question it - gameplay and aesthetic almost seemed like part of the same thing. That's not so much the case with this one- it's like they wanted to make an 'art' game but forgot that the gameplay should be part of that.
  • QueZTone on 10 Oct, 2009, 07:05…
    i keep reading/thinking Ludicity instead
  • Udvarnoky on 10 Oct, 2009, 00:43…
    A well-written and fair review.
  • Ascovel on 10 Oct, 2009, 00:17…
    Too bad.