
LucasForums Turns 1 05 Dec, 2002, 23:41 / 4 comments

Like it or lump it, The LFNetwork's massive online community, LucasForums, is celebrating the completion of its first year in existence.

I'd just like to give a special thanks to everyone from the Mojo community who made the effort to check it out. As many of you probably recall, LucasForums arrived during a pretty tough time in Mixnmojo history. We were all still reeling from the three months of downtime, and there were many adjustments that Mojo readers were put through.

Anyway, we are really grateful to those of you who stuck with it, and even dared to venture outside of the Mojo forums. So, thanks again!


  • Gabez on 07 Dec, 2002, 06:30…
    Happy birthday!! (Has it really been one year?)

    Best! Forums! Ever!
  • bgbennyboy on 06 Dec, 2002, 04:52…
    Excellent stuff, more of you should join in the forums.
  • QueZTone on 06 Dec, 2002, 03:14…
  • Erwin_Br on 06 Dec, 2002, 01:41…
    Happy Birthday, Lucas Fan Network's LucasForums!
