
LucasArts' nativity correctly remembered as awesome 14 Aug, 2012 / 4 comments

A really good article appeared on 1up today. It is apparently a summary or reaction to David Fox's recent talk at Classic Gaming Expo and recollects the "bold experiment" of Lucasfilm Games back in its earliest days, days characterized by a ton of freedom for the developers, a non-Star Wars mandate, and even input from George Lucas that was slightly greater than zero percent. It's suggested that the studio's uniquely fertile situation (read: a small team of tech geniuses operating autonomously under basically no deadlines) is what resulted in its ambitious early successes and what paved the way for its peak years. You know, the ones that are miles behind us.

It's a preaching-to-the-choir kinda article, but it's nice to be pandered to on occasion and it's always lovely to see the studio's formative years get some appreciation. Also, there's a throwaway reference to Fox currently working on an "official Rube Goldberg game." I wonder what all that's about?

Update by Zaarin: Check out the Rube Golderg Game's Twitter account for the latest updates.

Source: 1up



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    Jason on 14 Aug, 2012, 12:56…

    Isn't there a lawn of mine you need to light out from?
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    Zaarin on 14 Aug, 2012, 07:04…
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    Shmargin on 14 Aug, 2012, 04:56…
    "Fox currently working on an "official Rube Goldberg game." I wonder what all that's about?"

    He left Lucas to work on his dream of making the best Incredible Machine clone?
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    Ascovel on 14 Aug, 2012, 01:39…
    Nice to hear Lucas had some positive influence on the way the company operated back then.

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