
LucasArts at E3 2006 30 Apr, 2006, 22:01 / Comments: 13

As well as the first public showing of Indiana Jones? and the Power of Euphoria? at E3 on May 10-12 and the probable first showing of LEGO Star Wars: The Original Trilogy, it seems that an expansion pack for the latest Star Wars RTS Empire at War will be announced. There was a tipoff here on the LucasArts forums a few days ago;
We've been preparing for E3 and it's been a wild crazy ride. If anyone is going to E3 in a couple of weeks, stop by the LucasArts booth and check out the line up for this year. There are some really great games in the works including more stuff in store for Star Wars: Empire at War.
Also there has been a passing mention of Vader's backstory in a recent Jim Ward interview which gaming sites everywhere have taken to mean that there is a Darth Vader game in the works. Ward has also mentioned in the past year that he would like to see Mercenaries become an ongoing franchise, so it won't be any great surprise if a Mercenaries sequel is announced.


  • Scummbuddy on 02 May, 2006, 03:42…
    Is it mentioned as to whether or not AVS will be at E3? Were they at the GDC looking to get published?

    Is Telltale going to be there also, pimping their games? I believe Sam and Max may be too much in the early stages to see anything, but I'd be nice.
  • Haggis on 02 May, 2006, 10:48…
    I believe Bill Tiller mentioned that he wanted to get a demo finished by E3, to show to potential investors, but since the AVS forum is down, I can't check that.
  • jp-30 on 02 May, 2006, 20:33…
  • Jake on 02 May, 2006, 23:58…
    I don't think Telltale is Autumn Moon though
  • jp-30 on 03 May, 2006, 00:30…
    Correct, however I was responding to this portion of the original post "Is Telltale going to be there also, pimping their games?"
  • Jake on 03 May, 2006, 01:31…
    Oh ho, time for me to learn how to read!
  • Haggis on 01 May, 2006, 10:11…
    So... no King of Monkey Island then?
  • jp-30 on 01 May, 2006, 10:34…
    Of course, but Telltale has aquired the license from Wolfgang Kierdorf, so it won't be in the LucasArts booth.
  • netmonkey on 01 May, 2006, 02:30…
    So, when are they changing their name to Skywalker Arts? Is there a date set for the name change?
  • MonkeyMania on 01 May, 2006, 02:01…
    I think the big surprise is that they are canceling Sam and Max 3.
  • jp-30 on 01 May, 2006, 02:08…
    Before people get too carried away (and I don't mean you personally Monkeymania), you know there actually is no "big surprise", outside of our own speculation.
  • Udvarnoky on 30 Apr, 2006, 22:10…
    The surprise announcement: Hal Barwood is coming back on board for a big-budget action sequel to Big Sky Trooper. I've got a feeling.
  • jp-30 on 30 Apr, 2006, 22:15…
    I feel a great "surprise announcement" will be that the EaW Expansion is a 'Darth Vader' expansion, and that there is no actual new Darth vader game in the waorks at all!