
LucasArts Finally Appoints New President 04 May, 2004 / Comments: 26 tips us off that Simon Jeffrey's former role as LucasArts President has finally been filled.
Jim Ward has been named president of LucasArts, the video-game entertainment division of Lucasfilm Ltd., it was announced today by Lucasfilm Chief Operating Officer Micheline Chau. In addition to his new role at LucasArts, Ward will retain his duties as the head of marketing and distribution for Lucasfilm.
Hit the press release for the rest of the info, and hold your breath that LucasArts will again have some decent direction outside of the Star Wars franchise...

Source: LucasFilm



  • LGH on 09 May, 2004, 13:56…
    Hmm... hasn't anyone found it kind of weird that this press announcement is only to be found on LucasFilm's page and not on LucasArts' one. This is a good example of LucasArts' dependance on its mother company.
  • JBRAA on 04 May, 2004, 14:28…
    It's too bad LucasArts isnt its own company. The deal is transparent. LucasArts isnt a priority. LucasArts is run over by Lucasfilm. LucasArts does what Lucasfilm says.

    Hopefully, this wont be a bad deal, so better more creative and quality games can be shipped from LucasArts. That is if G Lucas decides to regenerate LucasArts legacy.

    Also, this guy Jim Ward, is he Superman? Or is his other assignments not so hard and timedemanding? Cause being president, you do more than decide things dont you? Like stuff.. meetings with all sorts of people and stuff.
  • jp-30 on 04 May, 2004, 15:25…
    I heard from a LucasArts employee that George himself wants LucasArts to do more with its own (original) Intellectual Property.
  • JBRAA on 04 May, 2004, 15:38…
    To do more with the already created original material, like a Loom film. Or do you mean just more original games?
  • jp-30 on 04 May, 2004, 18:00…
    My 'source' wrote; "Believe it or not (and maybe not) George would very much like LucasArts to have its own stable of independent IP (like Full Throttle or even S&M) that generated revenue for LucasArts alone. So that's where the 50/50 split of SW to original came from. It's a genuine wish. However, (and this is my personal opinion, not company policy) LEC has been unable to figure out how to develop and/or market its original stuff."
  • Jake on 04 May, 2004, 18:36…
    Its nice to hear that at least the rumors are saying that. Considering thats why Lucas started Lucasfilm Games in the first place it would make sense that he'd want that (because despite KOTOR or Rebel Strike or whatever being moneymakers I bet in the grand scheme of things they're just a drop in the bucket for). I just don't see it happening in the near or even sorta-distant future.
  • Kingzjester on 05 May, 2004, 12:09…
    If Mike Nelson is still around, tough luck there.
  • Zomantic on 04 May, 2004, 17:22…
    Loom film?!
    That would be just great!
    - George Lucas
  • Lord Savage on 04 May, 2004, 13:56…
    Putting a Marketing guy in charge as president on a part time basis is not a good move for the company. He appears to have no background or history with gaming. I hope I'm wrong about this but, I have a feeling that things will get worse under this guy. I'm seeing tons of Star Wars meets GTA meets DOOM3 first person shooters coming down the pike. Blech!!!
  • RumRogerz on 04 May, 2004, 10:38…
    Now now... theres nothing wrong with a good ol original indiana jones game or two...
  • Marek on 04 May, 2004, 09:16…
  • QueZTone on 04 May, 2004, 06:22…
    I miss Simon but hey maybe this Ward guy will surprise us. Like Jake, I'm not going to judge him until I've seen how LucasArts does under his command.
  • calculon on 04 May, 2004, 11:18…
    How can you miss Simon? For all the lip-service he paid in support original franchises, he was the one driving the company into wall in the first place.

    As far as Ward is concerned, we'll see. Maybe he'll clean house and provide the studio with some direction and leadership it clearly lacked.
  • Jake on 04 May, 2004, 13:46…
    Well you can't deny that Simon's heart was in the right place...
  • Zomantic on 04 May, 2004, 14:34…
    After all, once upon a time all of us loved Simon Jeff(e)ry.
  • Jake on 04 May, 2004, 04:46…
    I think its funny, and a bit sad, that optimism is at such an all time low around here that nobody has jumped on the "... and is planning to expand its range of original games" line in the press release as proof positive of Monkey 5. :)
  • remixor on 04 May, 2004, 04:51…
    Maybe they'll finally make a sequel to Rescue on Fractalus! :) :) :)
  • jp-30 on 04 May, 2004, 05:11…
    I'd say a sequel to Mercenaries is a more likely possibility... :-P
  • csenosiain on 04 May, 2004, 08:51…
    You remind me of something. Let's not froget that Mercenaries IS considered an original game. Oh well, here's to S&M and other adventures making a comback.

  • BooJaka on 04 May, 2004, 13:15…
    I'm still holding out for Loom 2: Bobbin in Manhatten. Who's with me?
  • Udvarnoky on 04 May, 2004, 15:50…
    Or maybe they'll just bring back Forge.
  • Jake on 04 May, 2004, 04:43…
    Complaining will get you nowhere. At least there is finally someone at the helm at LEC. Okay, the fact that he'll be doing double duty at LEC and LucasFilm is a little troubling (so much for having someone in charge with the sole purpose of finally giving LucasArts some strong guidance), but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I hope nobody was honestly thinking "new president = Sam & Max is uncancelled." :(
  • guybrushthedwarf on 04 May, 2004, 03:09…
    "[..} It's going to be a great adventure."

    No, it F** won't, you fool! cause, you know, after a careful evaluation of current market place realities and underlying economic considerations, you've decided that this was not the appropriate time to launch an adventure.
  • laceyware on 05 May, 2004, 17:49…
    Damn you! Beat me to it...
  • cappuchok on 04 May, 2004, 03:09…

    Oh just *great*... A Star Wars marketdroid in charge. Now we'll *never* see a return to the adventure genre. I'm sure with "original games", he meant "Star Wars and Indiana Jones themed games", since considering his position he *would* consider those to be "original". :(
  • jp-30 on 04 May, 2004, 01:21…
    "In recent months, LucasArts has released such popular and acclaimed Star Wars-themed games as Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars Galaxies, **and is planning to expand its range of original games**."

    We can only hope...