News was brought to me from one Kevin Hodapp. He pointed me in the direction of this Article on IGN. In this "unnoficial" secret report, IGN claims that Lucasarts will be announcing several new games for various formats over the next few weeks;
LucasArts is going to announce several new games for several platforms, and one of those games will appear on PS2, and it's going to be somewhat of a surprise. We promised not to say anything yet, but think of it this way, when was the last time you saw a graphic adventure on PS2? You soon will. Another hint: "Hoo-hoo-hoo-he-he-he-he haw haw haw-haaaaw!!!!!"If we assume that last hint is an evil laugh we can only go on to assume that EMI is to be ported to a console. What else is held in store for us over the coming weeks?