
LEC old timers submit to creepy Youtube interviews 11 Apr, 2012 / 1 comment

So there's this web show called "Matt Chat," a production of Armchair Arcade in which video game people of interest are interviewed via webcam. I've been alerted to two recent Matt Chat interviews of interest to our Objective.

First up is an interview with the legendary David Fox, creator of Zak McKracken:

Source: Armchair Arcade


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    Melancholick on 11 Apr, 2012, 05:06…
    Sanger really is a god among musically-inclined men. I was emptying out an old iPod the other day and happened to find a clutch of his tracks from "The 7th Guest..." I haven't played that game since the early 90's, but the tracks still hit the senses like a shot to the inner ear's kick-pedal.

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