
Kotaku ranks all LucasArts adventures 28 Jan, 2016 / 12 comments

Kotaku recently ranked all 14 LucasArts adventure games, enraging everyone (except those that agreed with it). Here's their countdown, what do you think?
14. Escape From Monkey Island
13. Zak McKracken
12. Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
11. Loom
10. The Curse of Monkey Island
9. Maniac Mansion
8. The Dig
7. Grim Fandango
6. The Secret Of Monkey Island
5. Sam & Max: Hit The Road
4. Full Throttle
3. Day Of The Tentacle
2. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge
1. Indiana Jones and The Fate Of Atlantis

Agree or disagree? How right or wrong were they?

Source: Kotaku



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    VoodooFX on 03 Jun, 2016, 20:18…
    Well I have really fond memories of Zak and was really disappointed by EMI, so I'd have to go with that one being the weakest of them all.
    Played Zak way back in C-64 days and there was nothing quite like it. Sure some puzzles were waaay out there, but then I later found out there were clues scattered in the magazine which was shipped with the game, which of course I didn't have, since the game was.... ahem...borrowed :)
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    Call me Squinky on 25 Feb, 2016, 05:54…
    I didn't know where else to post this but I recently watched an episode of the X-files (Season 1) in which the weird Mars face from the start of Zak McKracken emits an alien ghost that possesses a random astronaut. I didn't realize this but that face was a real rock formation discovered on Mars during that era.
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    Vodiara on 08 Feb, 2016, 08:21…
    I never played zak mckraken somehow. So cant judge. Chose Last Crusade, some moments of the game were frustrating for me.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 02 Feb, 2016, 18:18…
    Sam & Max: Hit the Road has too many bad puzzles in it for me to completely enjoy it. Just too random. DOTT has a brilliant mix of puzzles and story, though.
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    rileyrileyriley on 31 Jan, 2016, 19:56…
    Just a personal list.

    I mean really personal.

    Please don't read it.

    14. Escape From Monkey Island
    13. Zak McKracken
    12. Maniac Mansion
    11. Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
    10. Loom
    9. The Dig
    8. Indiana Jones and The Fate Of Atlantis
    7. Day Of The Tentacle
    6. Sam & Max: Hit The Road
    5. The Secret Of Monkey Island
    4. Full Throttle
    3. The Curse of Monkey Island
    2. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge
    1. Grim Fandango
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    The Tingler on 29 Jan, 2016, 22:02…


    All 14 games are good enough that I can't begrudge anyone's personal ranking, but on the other hand it says a lot about the desperation to hate Escape from Monkey Island that someone will actually pretend to enjoy Zak more.

    Agreed. It was the comment about EMI having "a complete absence of humour" that rankled me most though.
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    Shmargin on 29 Jan, 2016, 21:04…
    I agree with FOA being number one. I saw an adventure list a while ago that didn't even feature it, but it's probably my favorite overall adventure. Replayability with the three paths, good story, good writing, good music, good graphics, good voice acting.

    Second and third are hard for me, but I would put Hit The Road and DOTT in those two spots probably.

    Followed by the Monkey Islands, but I'm not sure in which order. I cannot stop laughing whenever Murray the skull talks, so I think I would put 3 higher on the list than most people.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 29 Jan, 2016, 10:40…


    All 14 games are good enough that I can't begrudge anyone's personal ranking, but on the other hand it says a lot about the desperation to hate Escape from Monkey Island that someone will actually pretend to enjoy Zak more.

    I know what you mean. Zak has some great stuff in it, and it's a really sweet natured and unique game, but it hasn't aged terribly well, for all the good things about it.
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    Jason on 28 Jan, 2016, 23:01…
    All 14 games are good enough that I can't begrudge anyone's personal ranking, but on the other hand it says a lot about the desperation to hate Escape from Monkey Island that someone will actually pretend to enjoy Zak more.
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    Rum Rogers on 28 Jan, 2016, 21:44…
    Monkey 2 not first? This is worthless crap, it's even useless to comment about the other terrible rankings.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 28 Jan, 2016, 18:31…
    Nobody counts Labyrinth ;)
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    monkeyboobs on 28 Jan, 2016, 18:26…
    Dodge this:

    15. Labyrinth
    14. Escape from Monkey Island
    13. Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
    12. Maniac Mansion
    11. Loom
    10. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
    9. The Dig
    8. Sam & Max Hit the Road
    7. Full Throttle
    6. Grim Fandango
    5. The Secret of Monkey Island
    4. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
    3. The Curse of Monkey Island
    2. Day of the Tentacle
    1. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

    Oh gosh, something went terribly wrong! I've got 15 games in there, a whole 1 too much in an "all 14 LAAG ranking". Cognac.

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