
Jurassic Park teaser trailer now roaring in 18 Feb, 2011 / 14 comments

Jesus Telltale, we've already got the second Back To The Future episode and news of your next five projects to get excited about in the last 24 hours, now you have to add the first trailer for Jurassic Park as well?! It's like you're trying to kill us with excitement here!

The story starts apparently right in the middle of the first film, with the guy who was supposed to be meeting Nedry at the dock (doesn't that dock look a lot like the one in Grim Fandango's Rubacava?).

Furthermore, the trailer announces that the season will start April 2011 for PC and Mac and is available to preorder here for $29.99 ($5 cheaper than usual). Please don't announce Monkey Island right now Telltale, or I'll seriously hyperventilate.

Source: GameTrailers



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    BillieJoe86 on 18 Feb, 2011, 20:49…
    Preview by IGN:
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    AlfredJ on 18 Feb, 2011, 18:01…
    Looks pretty great actually! I'm not sure I like the idea of QTE's, and (like others have said) the T-rex roar is way off, but this really has to be Telltale's best looking game so far. And it's f'ing Jurassic Parc. Sold.

    They still have to convince me I have to pay for a Walking Dead-game though.
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    TestType on 18 Feb, 2011, 14:32…


    I wonder if you find Nedrys body in this cause his death was more gruesome in the novel then it was in the film.

    I doubt they would have anything from the book that's not in the film. For starters some of the characters that survive in the film die in the book. Also they have the movie license, not the book license.
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    Kroms on 18 Feb, 2011, 10:51…
    I like the graphics. Umm, cliched thing to say, but it makes me hopeful for Telltale's next Monkey Island game not re-using every single character model. I also really like the art direction. This game could be good - hopefully, it won't just be a series of QTEs. Pre-ordering.
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    Haggis on 18 Feb, 2011, 10:48…


    I'm not pre-ordering.

    I'm not either, mostly because I'm not sure if my PC will run it. If the reviews are good, I may get the Wii version, but this trailer hasn't really got me excited yet.
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    Threepwood4life on 18 Feb, 2011, 10:40…

    The Tingler

    As for Nedry's death, I thought it was basically the same in book and film? It's just a lot more explicit in the book.

    He gets his chest ripped open and his nose and parts of his arms are missing, not a good way to go it just doesn't show you in the film version.

    Remember Jurassic Park was responsible for having the death sequences in The Dig removed cause of all the backlash Spielberg got for the violence.
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    The Tingler on 18 Feb, 2011, 09:46…


    I'm guessing there will be quick time event moments like there was in Get Tannen for this game.

    I wonder if you find Nedrys body in this cause his death was more gruesome in the novel then it was in the film.

    They've already confirmed that the gameplay will be heavily influenced by Heavy Rain as opposed to traditional adventures, so yeah, QTEs.

    As for Nedry's death, I thought it was basically the same in book and film? It's just a lot more explicit in the book.
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    Lagomorph on 18 Feb, 2011, 09:43…
    I'm not pre-ordering.
    Back to the Future is not exactly what I expected it to be, so I'm gonna wait for the reviews on this one.
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    Threepwood4life on 18 Feb, 2011, 08:03…
    I'm guessing there will be quick time event moments like there was in Get Tannen for this game.

    I wonder if you find Nedrys body in this cause his death was more gruesome in the novel then it was in the film.
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    The Tingler on 18 Feb, 2011, 03:39…


    I'm glad to see they've got a (presumably) fucking obnoxious child character in their cast. Bring it on!

    I just hope they keep with the Jurassic Park tradition of making every single female character both invulnerable and extremely irritating!
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    Capn_Nacho on 18 Feb, 2011, 03:11…
    Last time I watched Jurassic Park (last week) I found it a bit curious that they spent so much time explaining Nedry's embryo canister just to abandon it in the mud. Bingo!

    And I'm glad to see they've got a (presumably) fucking obnoxious child character in their cast. Bring it on!
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    BillieJoe86 on 18 Feb, 2011, 02:54…
    Another bland Telltale trailer. Minus a few exceptions, their trailers don't live up to the quality of their games. I did enjoy the one for "Get Tannen!"
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    Laserschwert on 18 Feb, 2011, 02:36…
    "Please don't announce Monkey Island right now Telltale, or I'll seriously hyperventilate. "

    Are you out of your mind??? Don't hold them back!!!
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    valkian on 18 Feb, 2011, 02:28…
    I'm simply saying that adventure games, uh... find a way.

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