To spite Temple-shading elitists like Remi and Thunderpeel, I decided to follow in the footsteps of Shiva by consecrating the 35th anniversary of the second – and, according to the sexual endowed, best – Indiana Jones installment with a three-page valentine as feverishly out-of-control as its endlessly rewatchable recipient.
Read my truth, then respond with yours in the comments.
Great review but, I'll be honest, you already had me at the shout-out to me and AlfredJ. LMAO.
Jesus Christ I'm late to this. I'm really worried about the consequences of my absence, now that I know how important Rum and I are to you guys.
Put the gun down kids. We need you for when New Telltale reveals Bone 3. Any day now.
Jones Jr
Considering Crystal Skull, good luck with that!
Yep. I meant what I said...
Can't wait for this! Where's my popcorn?
Jones Jr
Considering Crystal Skull, good luck with that!
Yep. I meant what I said...
I have no choice but to promise a severe rebuttal in the future that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Temple of Doom is the worst film ever made!* (*Starring Indiana Jones.)
Considering Crystal Skull, good luck with that!
Temple was the first Indy film I saw at the cinema as a kid, so I have fond memories of that film. Despite it being regarded as being so dark, I still remember being hooked for the ride the whole way through - though I did wonder what the hell it was we were watching at the beginning. Dad doesn't much like musicals! So in his review I have to say Jason nailed this one!
Probably Temple's biggest problem is that it will be compared with Raiders and Crusade. Save as how Licence To Kill would be compared to Goldfinger. For Temple, being so tonally different sets it apart, but different doesn't mean bad. I can still enjoy this today. Is it nostalgia? Is it a guilty pleasure? Is it just better than the ever-rebooted crap being dished out by Hollywood now? Doesn't really matter, does it?