Got a PC that's too old and tired to play Jedi Knight II, or just prefer to play your FPS's on the couch? Fortunately, just for you, we've rounded up a couple major reviews of Jedi Knight II for the XBox and Gamecube. Erm, here they are:
- IGN Gamecube: 7.2 / 10
- Gamespot Gamecube: 8.2 / 10
- IGN XBox: 8.8 / 10
- Gamespot XBox: 8.3 / 10
Gamespot seems to think that these side-effects of a poorly done port don't get in the way as much, lending to a higher rating. What does it all mean? Ultimately, probably not a whole lot, and you're best off renting first. At least it's something to chew on.
Whatever the case, I already bought the game for PC for the mods, patches and multiplayer capabilities.