
I've got your Staff of Moses right here 21 May, 2007, 17:40 / 9 comments

The often sometimes accurate CHUD has got a few rumors on the next Indiana Jones film. (If they're true they're definitely spoilers, so be warned.) Take everything that's said about the movie with a grain of salt, but there's also this:
Interestingly, there have been rumors of a video game tie in being released next year with the title Indiana Jones and the Staff of Moses; I checked with other sources and while I can?t confirm anything, this seems to be a stand-alone adventure and does not reflect the title or storyline of Indiana Jones IV.
This is the first we've heard of a title for the new game, but it does at least correlate with the extremely limited info we have on the story, which will feature a mystery of "biblical proportions." I don't know where he got the title from, but I'd say it's only probably fake, rather than assuredly.

Update: I've learned that Indiana Jones and the Staff of Moses is the name of an old work of fan fiction (notable enough, apparently, to be adapted into a fan comic) which kind of throws doubt on the veracity of this leak. Still though!


  • clone2727 on 21 May, 2007, 22:54…
    If it means anything, last week on the news, they said that would be taping a car scene in New York for the new movie with Harrison Ford and Sean Connery.
  • Udvarnoky on 21 May, 2007, 23:04…
    Yeah they're filming a car/motorcycle chase at Yale I believe.
  • Gabez on 21 May, 2007, 18:04…
    I want "Indiana Jones and the power of greyskull."

    Staff of Moses sounds too similar to the Ark of the convenent. Plus, what would suck a staff do? Create water springs? Big whoop!
  • Udvarnoky on 21 May, 2007, 18:12…
    That's it, Indy's going to find Big Whoop!

    It's funny you should mention the artifact being too similar, because this is what George Lucas has to say about the artifact in Indy 4 (from an old article):

    "I discovered a MacGuffin," Lucas said. "I told the guys about it and they were a little dubious about it, but it's the best one we've ever found. ... Unfortunately, it was a little too 'connected' for the others. They were afraid of what the critics would think," Lucas said. "They said, 'Can't we do it with a different MacGuffin? Can't we do this?' and I said 'No.' So we pottered around with that for a couple of years. And then Harrison really wanted to do it, and Steve said, 'OK.' I said, 'We'll have to go back to that original MacGuffin and take out the offending parts of it and we'll still use that area of the supernatural to deal with it.'"
  • PirateKingChris on 21 May, 2007, 20:20…
    What in bloody hell is a MacGuffin?
  • The Tingler on 22 May, 2007, 18:11…
    A MacGuffin, named by Alfred Hitchcock, is basically an object that drives the plot. I think.
  • Udvarnoky on 21 May, 2007, 20:24…
    Here's Wikipedia's response. Really, the Indiana Jones artifacts don't really count as McGuffins, but whatever.
  • telarium on 22 May, 2007, 14:07…
    I would argue that the Indiana Jones films do fall within the McGuffin territory. The movies are generally about finding the item rather than the item itself.

    The ark really has no story impact in the first film other than something for the characters to be chasing... and a tidy way of killing the bad guys at the end. The item in the second film REALLY has no impact on the story, other than providing a situation for children to be enslaved. And the third film? Well, it comes close, but really the movie is about the father/son relationship rather than the grail itself.
  • Udvarnoky on 22 May, 2007, 17:39…
    I don't know, maybe it's not this super integral thing, and of course we're talking about movies that are at their core light-hearted adventure stories, but there's always a relation between the artifact and the theme of the movie. I mean, the reason Hitler wants the Ark, Mola Ram wants the Sankara stones, and Donovan wants the grail are all really far-fetched but at least it's there. The artifacts at least represent something, whether it be Fortune and Glory or the bond between a father and son (it's established, however loosely and conveniently, that it was Henry's dream project for years and it's what drove the two apart). At least within the logic of the movie, that the Ark could really obliterate entire armies, it's easy to see why someone would want it.

    A true McGuffin, like the Maltese Falcon, is completely meaningless...the statuette has got an infamously shallow history, and it's simply the thing that all the characters want. OK, so it's worth a lot of money, but that's not the reason Gutman and co. want it. It's important only because the characters believe it to be so.