
International Talk Like A Pirate Day renamed to ReMI Release Day 23 Aug, 2022 / 10 comments

We finally have a release date for Return to Monkey Island: September 19, 2022 (formally known as International Talk Like a Pirate Day).

Further more, pre-orders are now open (or will be soon): And, a special pre-order bonus, you'll get a completely useless and inconsequential piece of Horse Armor added to your inventory. Joy.

So, what are you waiting for? Get pre-ordering. Update: For Switch, too!

Another update: The Steam preorder is for both PC and Mac -- purchase one and you'll get the other. Also, the horse armor is truly real, so... who knows what that's all about?!



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    ThunderPeel2001 on 24 Aug, 2022, 13:49…
    Lol. Smart move from Nintendo's marketing department...
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    Remi on 24 Aug, 2022, 13:29…


    I know it's a silly joke, but the Switch preorder says nothing about the horse armor. I wonder if it is a PC only thing

    It (helpfully) pops up after check out, so it's for the Switch, too.
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    Sopabuena on 24 Aug, 2022, 11:48…
    I know it's a silly joke, but the Switch preorder says nothing about the horse armor. I wonder if it is a PC only thing
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    Sopabuena on 24 Aug, 2022, 11:48…
    I know it's a silly joke, but the Switch preorder says nothing about the horse armor. I wonder if it is a PC only thing
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    elTee on 24 Aug, 2022, 00:08…


    Instaorder for both. Eagerly expecting a boxed release, because that’s the ungrateful bastard I am. :~

    If there's no boxed version I will weep openly
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    Remi on 23 Aug, 2022, 23:51…
    Instaorder for both. Eagerly expecting a boxed release, because that’s the ungrateful bastard I am. :~
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    elTee on 23 Aug, 2022, 23:35…
    I don't even have a machine that can run this (at least until it comes out on playstation), but I pre-ordered it on Steam anyway. I'll be god damned if I'm not using that horse armour on every item in the game - at least when I play it on PC. In 2030. Hopefully.
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    LGH on 23 Aug, 2022, 21:42…
    Release on a Monday? Damn, I work on Mondays ;-)
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    AlfredJ on 23 Aug, 2022, 20:15…
    Damn you Stan, you actually swindled me out of my hard-earned cash for some horse armor. Most immersive Monkey Island game already.
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    Scott S on 23 Aug, 2022, 19:28…
    This is news!

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