Insecticide released! (DS version, anyways) 12 Mar, 2008 / Comments: 23
I know you have it marked on twelve different calenders and that you've been camping-out at your local gamestore for three weeks now, and that this is completely unnecessary because you're so excited about this a small hospital staff are continuously walking around you and reviving you as your blood vessels blow-up with excitement and drown you in a pool of blood, but it feels like I have to: Insecticide, the cradle of all that is awesome, is released.
Plus, I'm pretty sure I don't have to remind you again that it is mathematically and scientifically proven by world-renowned scientists in Zürich that this game will make you the most desirable chunk of male (or female, if that's what you want) since Casanova himself, do I?
Update: Larry Ahern has set this straight, saying that:
1. As Mojo previously reported, the DS version of Insecticide was finished and handed in to the publishers a while ago, so this delay is all down to Gamecock, and 2. the PC version should be available "soonish," which is becoming a trend. Thanks Larry!
Several Mojo staffers have had their preorders shipped already, so the DS version's definitely around - let's just hope it's in the shops too!
And I didn't know the bug blasters were limited to 1000. Here's hoping I get one...
That's what I get for backtracking and editing half-heartedly.
And me and Jason can gloat about having our preorders shipped.
All I know is I already handed it in, so it's in the hands of the pub and retailers, who are still getting their signals straight. But it's gotta be soon!! We appreciate your patience and support.
Also, we're putting finishing touches on PC part 1, so that'll follow soon (again, quoting me on dates obviously doesn't work, but you can quote me on "soonish").
I've left things in the pub too, and they've gone astray so I feel your pain...
(Jake, it's a joke)
Gamecock's website says it's out today, yes, out NOW.
But all the advertisements say "in stores 3/13". I might attribute this to a difference between being "released" and being "in stores", but it's a fine difference indeed, and shrivels in light of new evidence: a new trailer that says "in stores 3/15".
What is actually going on, and has anyone actually played the game yet, except the press?
*grumbles about not everyone having a ds*
I'm actually a little glad it's not out yet because I'm getting well into my overdraft. I need my next student loan installment - horay for debt!