
Insecticide preview reveals revelations 27 Dec, 2007 / Comments: 4

In what is arguably among the top ten Insecticide previews you're likely to read today, Hooked Gamers took a close look at Crackpot's debut title, which is still scheduled for release in February (that'd be the DS version). I can't believe I have to tell you twice.


  • The Tingler on 27 Dec, 2007, 13:23…
    And according to the preview it's being released January 8th - this is wrong. It's Feb 26th atm.
  • Udvarnoky on 28 Dec, 2007, 07:26…
    Yeah, that's another two week delay. It's hard to know what to trust.
  • Kolzig on 27 Dec, 2007, 08:09…
    Isn't D.Grossman at Telltale and not at Crackpot?
  • Udvarnoky on 27 Dec, 2007, 09:46…
    Dave Grossman was involved with Insecticide in its early conceptual stages before he joined Telltale.