
I'm the Grim Reaper, lardass, and you're my next customer 13 Aug, 2009, 23:58 / 7 comments

We wanted to get the Grim Fandango Secret History up way earlier than this, but it didn't qualify for a better travel package, and it ended up getting shafted with the Excelsior Line. (Plus, y'know, Monkey Island 5 got announced and all.) However, its journey of the soul is honestly very very nearly complete this time, which is why I'm giving everyone one last chance to send in reader opinions about this masterpiece if you haven't already.

I'll take anything sent to me before Sunday if you want your thoughts in the article! Let's get a move on now, you're not dead yet.


  • mintcake on 14 Aug, 2009, 08:57…
    Monkey Island 5?????
    unless you me TOMI?
  • mintcake on 14 Aug, 2009, 08:58…
    i forgot "an" from "Mean" in my excitement...thankyou please!
  • jp-30 on 14 Aug, 2009, 09:08…
    yes. tomi is the 5th mi game.
  • mintcake on 14 Aug, 2009, 09:42…
    well its not really is it, I mean its the 5th actual game but classed as a story based after a hypothetical 5th story.
  • Udvarnoky on 15 Aug, 2009, 04:56…
    There's a "hypothetical" story between every Monkey Island. It's the fifth Monkey Island if CMI is the third and EMI is the fourth.
  • AlfredJ on 14 Aug, 2009, 14:05…
    I'm really getting tired of people taking that quote out of context. According to that logic, MI2 would be MI3 (because Guybrush went on adventures between MI1 and MI2), MI3 would be MI4, etc.

    It's the fifth Monkey Island game. It's Monkey Island 5. It's awesome. There isn't going to be a game detailing what happened between Escape and Tales. At least, I hope not.
  • Icebox on 14 Aug, 2009, 04:43…
    Sweet. I may replay GF for the first time in 2 years just to celebrate.