
"I'll tell him we'll take two (screens)" 21 Feb, 2009, 20:22 / 4 comments

Some site that isn't in English has posted three screenshots from the Nintendo DS version of Staff of Kings. I know nothing about the DS version except that it's presumably going to be a good deal different from the console versions, but based on this incredibly limited first glimpse it actually looks pretty decent.


  • The Tingler on 21 Feb, 2009, 23:08…
    Also notice that, unlike all the Wii screens, Indy is actually wearing his satchel.

    I'm also happy with the lack of those stupid health bars too.
  • Diduz on 21 Feb, 2009, 23:02…
    Gosh, it looks nice! :-P
  • laceyware on 21 Feb, 2009, 22:41…
    *waits for someone to suggest that this looks better than the Wii version*
  • Udvarnoky on 21 Feb, 2009, 23:02…
    It really does at first glance in the sense that it looks crisper and more colorful. Hopefully this means that the Wii version can only be done justice in motion. Still, does Indiana Jones really call for subdued colors, excessive bloom lighting and Resident Evil fog levels? I have the same complaint against the look of Crystal Skull. Did I miss the memo that this is the new Indiana Jones visual style?