@jayel - im totally in agreement, wtf is going on with the facial hair??
on 17 Sep, 2006, 01:10…
Terrible. Makes them look even worse.
on 15 Sep, 2006, 04:24…
Thanks for the image! It was needed!
on 12 Sep, 2006, 10:07…
This video was pathetic. How can you advertise a serious, demending job by showing nothing more then some unimportant fluff, that could appeal only to incredibly shallow and bored teenagers.
on 11 Sep, 2006, 02:53…
Wheres the quote: "My son won't even look me in the eyes anymore!"
on 10 Sep, 2006, 04:48…
If they really wanted to recruit the bright young minds, they should've mentioned their annual company wide most fuckedup beard contest.
on 09 Sep, 2006, 00:20…
"Are you wearing a fake beard?" "Bloodnose the Pirate would not have a fake beard!" "Yes, it is! It's been glued to your ear hair!" "Actually, it's a highly sophisticated beard weave made from the chest and back hair of real pirates! I'm hoping it'll take root if I don't wash it for a while!"
"Bloodnose the Pirate would not have a fake beard!"
"Yes, it is! It's been glued to your ear hair!"
"Actually, it's a highly sophisticated beard weave made from the chest and back hair of real pirates!
I'm hoping it'll take root if I don't wash it for a while!"