
Guybrush Vs LeChuck, in Audio Form 11 Feb, 2011 / 8 comments

If you haven't been to Overclocked Remix, you really should. All good-to-excellent fan remixes of videogame music. They've just completed a new project, OCR Vs Bad Dudes, and it's utterly superb. One remixer does the themes for a hero in a videogame series, another does the villain.

Why does that interest us, other than being frickin' awesome? Well, Monkey Island is one of the games remixed. Guybrush can be downloaded here and LeChuck can be got at here.

I won't spoil either, as they are both utterly excellent. You'll have a fangasm once you realize what they're singing behind the Monkey Island theme in Guybrush's mix. LeChuck's mix isn't quite as adventurous at first, then goes very cool fast. Check them out all out here.

Source: Overclocked Remix



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    macgyver on 12 Feb, 2011, 02:22…
    The LeChuck theme is just fantastic. He injected sort of a Stevie Wonder "Superstition" into it which just works really well. Plus there's some Street Fighter II in there, too. It's just a fantastic remix.
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    bgbennyboy on 11 Feb, 2011, 17:18…
    These are fantastic! Some of the best MI remixes ever.
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    The Tingler on 11 Feb, 2011, 16:48…


    LeChuck's link is dead (and demon-y)

    Sorry, seems to be working now (I assume someone fixed it, thanks!).

    I prefer the Guybrush one, just because the first half of the LeChuck one seems too much like the Microgroggery mix of his theme.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 11 Feb, 2011, 14:58…
    Love the rock!
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    Thrik on 11 Feb, 2011, 12:52…
    Although that's not to say the MI theme one isn't also spectacular, although probably a bit harder to appreciate for those with an aversion to metal (read: weirdos).
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    Thrik on 11 Feb, 2011, 12:52…
    The LeChuck one is ace.
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    Capn_Nacho on 11 Feb, 2011, 08:44…
    They're both pretty fun stuff, especially the LeChuck one.


    LeChuck's link is dead (and demon-y)

    Tingler accidentally pasted a [/url] html tag at the end of the link. Delete that and it works!
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    wufire on 11 Feb, 2011, 05:28…
    LeChuck's link is dead (and demon-y)

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