
Guybrush Needs a New Pair 'a Shoes 26 Apr, 2002, 13:56 / 4 comments

The SCUMM Bar has a new fun "game" by our own Andrew "telarium" Langley. In this fantastic flash-based time-waster you can dress Monkey Island 1's Guybrush up in various silly outfits.

The game and art used is by Steve Purcell and appeared in Adventurer #2 in Spring of 1991. You can also print your creations. Play!


  • QueZTone on 27 Apr, 2002, 01:34…
    yay cool stuff :)

    was this game like put in the adventurer already like "dress the pirate" or did you make the game plus idea yourself and just used random pics from that adventurer thing? :)

    nice work tel :)
  • telarium on 27 Apr, 2002, 08:39…
    The dressing game is actually in Adventurer #2, which has outfits that you can cut out and physically place over Guybrush. There are some other little games as well.
  • QueZTone on 27 Apr, 2002, 13:15…
    oh yay! how entertaining they were back in the old days :)
  • telarium on 26 Apr, 2002, 13:57…
    I wanna go ahead and defend myself by saying that just I whipped this up earlier in the day because I was bored. :)