
Great Adventure Bundle receives a Delayed Mojo News Post 09 Sep, 2010 / 4 comments

This is a little late: Telltale have joined onto the Humble Indie Bundle Great Adventure Bundle of 2010, which is your chance to get your hands on some classic adventure games while giving 25% of proceeds to one of five good causes.

The games are Telltale's Puzzle Agent, Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space (Season Two), Daedelic Entertainment's The Whispered World, Deck13's Jack Keane, and Sierra's King's Quest I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII. Hothead's two first Penny-Arcade: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness episode features as well, though it is worth noting they are not adventure games.

The bundle goes for $19.99. The games are all PC only, and Telltale's games unlock after a certain goal is reached. It's a good cause, and one worth considering.

Update: The deadline has been extended by another week. 3000 more bundles must be sold for Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space to unlock, so anyone interested must get cracking.

Source: Telltale Blog



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    monkeymovies on 11 Sep, 2010, 11:33…
    The finishing date on the bundle has been altered to 17th of September now, the goal for Sam & Max has now been set to 5000 purchases and the current number of buys on the bundle is 2052.

    Come on guys, BUY BUY BUY!!!! Even if only to get Puzzle Agent, you're getting 10 (maybe 11 if SnM2 is unlocked) extra games for about $10 together.
    If you just want Sam & Max Season 2, this is your chance to get it for half-ish price with 11 other games to enjoy for almost nothing!
    This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, without the sale, these games would cost $120. At $20 it's a steal! And 1/4 goes to charity, remember.

    Remember, if Sam & Max Season 2 is unlocked, you'll be elegible for the DVD, something I don't yet posess since I bought the seasons from Steam. (:P) So come on guys, don't think, just buy!
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    Ascovel on 09 Sep, 2010, 19:18…
    Not only King's Quests 1, 2, 3, but also 4, 5, 6, 7.
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    AlfredJ on 09 Sep, 2010, 19:17…
    Penny Arcade Episode 2 isn't included in the deal.
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    Bombadil on 09 Sep, 2010, 16:57…
    Puzzle Agent was already unlocked a couple of days ago (for no apparent reason) and they set the S&M2 goal to 5k bundles.

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