
Gobs o' Gladius 30 Jan, 2003, 08:38 / 7 comments

The official Gladius homepage has been updated with some new additions to the equipment section. The FAQ on the site has also been updated, and here's a quote:
Q: What makes Gladius different than other games of its type?
A: Gladius is unique because it is a hybrid between real-time and turn-based combat. There are two parts to a turn. The second turn portion takes place while other units can move. This means turns will overlap, and the wise player will learn to account for characters that may rarely stand still.
I can't think of a line to close this news post with.


  • Jake on 30 Jan, 2003, 16:47…
    I like Gladius. I'm looking forward to playing it. Still want to hear more about how they'll be telling the story outside of the fight sequences though.
  • Scummbuddy on 31 Jan, 2003, 09:16…
    I feel they will really be needing to give out a great demo to really sell this game. I'm afraid its too far off from what customers are used to to have this game fly off the shelves. Tons of advertising + demos far reaching = more sales. Notice how their site for Gladius seems to get the most updates. They already know that Indy and Full Throttle will sell...
  • QueZTone on 30 Jan, 2003, 11:38…
    I think Yoda is related to Splinter (ninja turtles).
  • Kingzjester on 30 Jan, 2003, 12:27…
    I can buy that
  • Kingzjester on 30 Jan, 2003, 09:21…
    "I can't think of a line to close this news post with."

    How about, "Like, ohmigod!"

  • Sloth on 30 Jan, 2003, 14:45…
    How about this:

    "Sounds Gladelicious!"
  • twifkak on 30 Jan, 2003, 15:35…
    How about, "The scene was titled, 'Gladiator,' but it was really 'Glad he ate her.'"