
Give Max someone to crack up. Sam plushie available for preorder 12 Oct, 2023 / 3 comments

For years* your Max plushie had to alone put up with your unregulated private detective skills and musings.

Finally the day has come for these crime-fighting and life partners to adorn your computer shelf together.

Now open for preorders on Uncute is the Sam plushie, for a seemingly high $50 pricetag. But you can't leave Max alone can you? That's ill-advised.

*if you could afford the import/shipping costs...

Source: Uncute Plushies



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    Unicornfoal on 13 Oct, 2023, 13:15…
    Oh man, it's 63.5cm tall? Max is just over 38, not counting his ears. They've really made them to scale with each other, huh? If only I had room on my shelf...
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    Jennifer on 13 Oct, 2023, 02:05…
    Just like Max, I am pleasantly surprised how cute this turned out. I must have it!
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    LuigiHann on 12 Oct, 2023, 21:34…
    False advertising! It is cute

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