
Gamespot previews Fracture...again! 04 Jul, 2007 / Comments: 22

When the LucasArts/Day 1 Studios collaborative effort Fracture was officially announced a few months ago, LucasArts showed off an early demo to all the major game sites (except Mojo). Now, they've give Gamespot an exclusive, more in-depth look at the title, with potentially interesting results. I'm not sure why they'd give a lightweight like Gamespot an exclusive over their longtime loyal fan site, but on an unrelated note you may want to check out our old preview of Gladius, recently restored by Gabez.

Long story short, the piece offers a bit more detail on the whole civil war backstory, some hints at how the ability to alter terrain may be used to solve puzzles, and a glimpse at the game's array of explosive weapons. Try not to get too excited.


  • The Tingler on 04 Jul, 2007, 09:05…

    That may have something to do with it.

    Followed by:
  • McScurvy on 04 Jul, 2007, 20:27…
    Yeah, like a well-known game developer such as Lucasarts would hold a grudge against its biggest fan site just because a few negatively worded articles about how much they?ve been screwing up were posted.

    I?d like to see that, yes sir, I would love to see a respected company stoop that low under the limbo bar.

    What?s next, a gaming magazine being threatened by a company to pull advertising because of bad reviews?
  • The Tingler on 07 Jul, 2007, 09:53…
    Wasn't quite just bad reviews though, was it?
  • McScurvy on 07 Jul, 2007, 20:32…
    Well, I believe it was a mix of bad reviews and just general bashing of their games. Most companies would think that this was a sign to stop making their products suck but instead they decided to threaten them where it hurt the most: their wallet.

    If anyone?s curious, I?m referring to the EGM / Acclaim incident that started over their review of Total Recall for the NES. Although if you replace money with information then I guess it would apply here too.
  • jp-30 on 04 Jul, 2007, 07:46…
    LOL at Gabez' old Gladius preview. Brilliant.
  • Gabez on 04 Jul, 2007, 09:17…
    I didn't write it! It is fun, though. It apparently took some diplomacy to sort out

    The old previews are fun to read, even though Gladius is (arguably) too negative and RTX: Red Rock is (arguably) too positive.
  • Jake on 04 Jul, 2007, 17:13…
    I don't think that picture actually had anything to do with Gladius, other than the guy I was talking to was a PR rep for that game. That said, apparently that preview Sarah wrote really did piss off some people working on the game, and I got some crap for it from other members of LucasArts' PR dept.
  • jp-30 on 04 Jul, 2007, 09:59…
    Who is Sarah "invisibelle" McKeever? I'm guessing Pre-Udvarnocky Jason?
  • Udvarnoky on 04 Jul, 2007, 18:48…
    Nope I was only a reader back then. Sarah is a real person and the preview possibly did upset LucasArts.

    It really is a pretty mean and bad preview, and in retrospect Galdius got more cruelty than it deserved (the other original games from that time period deserved plenty enough), but you know if a game looks bad, I don't see why someone can't state their opinion about it. How many previews can you find on a site like Gamespot that are actually negative? It's just one of those unwritten rules I guess.
  • jp-30 on 05 Jul, 2007, 01:06…
    I was kidding about you being Sarah. :-P
  • Udvarnoky on 05 Jul, 2007, 01:19…
    Oh, sorry, I forgot this is the internet and so you wouldn't know about my constant sex changes.
  • Jake on 04 Jul, 2007, 19:04…
    Gladius turned out far better than anyone on the outside was expecting, I think. I've been to six or seven E3s, and the twl Gladius demos I saw were two of the worst I think I ever witnessed at one of those shows. The preview was a bit snarky, but it was a pretty accurate reflection of the ridiculousness and lameness of what they had on the floor that week.
  • jp-30 on 04 Jul, 2007, 10:00…
    Oh, and please do elaborate on the 'diplomacy'.
  • Gabez on 04 Jul, 2007, 10:18…
    It was a link.
  • jp-30 on 04 Jul, 2007, 11:20…
    Someone REALLY needs to update the CSS for the site with a link underline, at the very least.
  • Gabez on 04 Jul, 2007, 12:22…
    Is that better?
  • Udvarnoky on 04 Jul, 2007, 18:49…
    Much better. After no less than five years of whining, was it really that easy?
  • Gabez on 04 Jul, 2007, 18:50…
    Yeah, it was really easy. :~

    Let me know if you want anything else!
  • jp-30 on 05 Jul, 2007, 10:52…
    A shiny red bike would be good.
  • black_sheep on 04 Jul, 2007, 07:29…
    its gamespot not gamestop.
  • Udvarnoky on 04 Jul, 2007, 07:35…
    Just testing you, of course.
  • black_sheep on 04 Jul, 2007, 13:57…
    naaah, I'm just messin around with ya, it's actually gamestop so you should better change it back.