Forget Drew Struzan! I want THIS! 29 May, 2008, 21:39 / Comments: 15
In what can only be described as extremely awesome news, Star Wars Shop are now selling Limited Edition Maniac Mansion Posters!!
Oh yes, proving that LucasArts aren't completely dismissive of their olden days, their own Shop is selling it too. Still not selling the games though, are they...
Update by elTee: Out of stock.
I was on summer vacation for a month and look what happened, I missed this Holy Grail of news... :(
I'm sure the value has just decreased by about a 1000%
Oh well.. I'll get another to cheer myself up
Here's to hoping they are mirroring Mojo's secret history articles by releasing promo posters for each game :D
Totally awesome
Thanks mojo!
Come on guys, sell out their stock in a day :)
Super thanks for the heads up on this Tingler :)
I believe this is the official poster you could mail-order for back when the game was first released. (Like they did with MI1, FoA and others.) I've been actively looking for these things on ebay since I've been on the internet and I don't recall seeing them - get this if you have any interest.