
Fan-made masterpiece Fate of Monkey Island now a streamable experience 19 Dec, 2024 / 2 comments

It’s been a surprisingly vibrant year for Monkey Island fan games, but we can’t forget our history, so it’s nice timing that a complete playthrough of The Fate of Monkey Island has been uploaded to YouTube.

Too young to remember The Fate of Monkey Island? Built in 1999 by “Scurvyliver” using the then-ubiquitous Klik & Play game-making tool, it was considered the criterion example of fan games, mostly based on the following unique features:

  • It got finished

One-a dem dere “sidequels,” the game takes place during the events of Monkey Island 2 and helps fill in some backstory for Curse by depicting what the monkeys had to go through when LeChuck went into the amusement park business. Yes, the game sees you playing not as Guybrush, but as a monkey named Squinky. (Spielberg would approve.)

The success of the game led Survyliver to embark on a more ambitious sequel, complete with a SCUMM-like interface, but progress was halted when LucasArts cried copyright infringement. Obviously, it wasn’t the best look for the studio, but it’s impressive that they could take some time out of not bug-testing Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles to fire off the cease-and-desist. The scandal even reached the awareness of print media:

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While you can still download Fate (and for that matter, the abandoned sequel) and hope your modern operating system can fathom its charms, the following video may satisfy the requirements of those who wish to know their history without necessarily getting it stuck on their shoes.

Source: YouTube



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    Tony Tough on 28 Dec, 2024, 22:11…
    FOMI is also on TV Tropes:
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    Pshield on 19 Dec, 2024, 18:58…
    Man I remember playing this. It was the exact bridge I needed to get from CMI to EMI. What a time to be alive. All the fan stuff was great.

    Did the sequel go to Melee Island at all? For some reason I have a vague recollection of playing one of these fan games walking through the back alley on Melee Island, but maybe I am mistaken.

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