
Excerpts from the Slack: Jake's Monkey Island Twitch Stream Watchalong 26 Apr, 2020 / 2 comments

What could possibly be better than watching Jake and Marius's [and Dom's] Twitch stream yesterday? How about reading us watching it?

It's the third installment in our Excerpts from the Slack series, and it's available here in a global launch for all browser platforms.



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    AlfredJ on 26 Apr, 2020, 15:18…
    Also this stream was a blast and I hope they keep doing it. Looking forward to reading the next article featuring commentary on my own commentary on Jake's commentary.
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    AlfredJ on 26 Apr, 2020, 15:13…
    Taking my bow now.

    I probably deserve that bow not just for reading the article, but without knowing it, you guys actually quoted me 3 times from stuff I was saying in the Twitch chat! I guess that makes me king of the chat.

    And yes, that story about my name being used in the now deleted Treasure Hunt bonus mode is real! They asked fans in the forums to suggest pirate names for that mode (like they did for book titles in the Voodoo Lady's hut), but they just showed up as text when you hovered over the maps in your inventory, there was no newly recorded dialogue for that mode. I can't remember what the reward for solving "my" map was, but my pirate name was Tjibbe the Unwashable I think. Which isn't my real real name (although it's close), but a nickname I've had since high school, and I think it might have been my username on the TTG forums. Hence Tjibbertje being used as my Twitch user name.

    A lot of backstory for something nobody cares about, but there you have it. I do really enjoy the coincidence of me being the only reader of Mojo articles, and Mojo being the only people reading my Twitch nonsense.

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