
EMI Bugs - Update 2x 24 Nov, 2000, 09:51 / 0 comments

It seems that the page we designed to report bugs, has bugs! Firstly, my coding was a little sloppy, causing the title image to show above every bug report. I fixed that, but unfortunately, huge images are stretching the tables.

I'm taking the EMI bug section offline for a short while - don't worry, it'll be back before you know it!


I've fixed the page now, and the EMI Bug Reporter is back. For now, we simply have to ask you - please ensure any screenshots you upload to the bug page are less than 400 pixels in width otherwise it skews up the page. We'll have a better fix for this problem when DJG gets back from Thanksgiving break (he has so many more ideas than me). Thanks for your understanding! Many happy bug reports!


Hey all, well, right now you can pretty much upload whatever size image you want, but it's only going to be displayed as a 400x300 image so keep that in mind. And thanks to everyone who submitted bugs! Hopefully there's someone out there you can lend a hand.