
Double Fine is ready to Kickstart your life! Again! 30 May, 2013 / 4 comments

So what is going on here? A new Double Fine Kickstarter? To Kickstart a tactical strategy PC game? Called Massive Chalice (Kickstarter)?

Well, don't read this; go read and watch the Kickstarter instead! The game, which you can Kickstart, is aimed for a September release for PC, Mac, and Linux, and is helmed by Brad Muir.

Kickstart it! At the time of writing, the project has been Kickstarted up to $9,791 of its $725,000 goal.



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    koosjebig on 30 May, 2013, 18:30…
    I totally agree Jason,
    Not only Tennapel just launched a Neverhood "sequel", now also Double Fine is on KS again.
    But, we know Bill will have a great KS campaign, as we know him being involved equals quality, right :)
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    Ceres on 30 May, 2013, 17:55…
    Silliest pitch video I've seen so far.
    I love it.
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    Jason on 30 May, 2013, 17:33…
    Oooh, can't help but feel a bit bad for Bill here. The Kickstarter he's been prepping for like a year is going to end up launching hours after this one. I know it's not an adventure game, but you gotta figure the pool of people who would throw money at a Schafer project and those who would support a Tiller project translates into something of a Venn diagram.
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    Gabez on 30 May, 2013, 17:22…
    Complete with a reference to the new Arrested Development series in the video, if I'm not mistaken

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