
DeathsPA(N)X 11 Aug, 2009, 12:06 / Comments: 15

Pull up your revealing armoured thong, 'cause DeathSpank, Ron Gilbert's first new game since Maniac Mansion, will be shown off at the Penny Arcade Expo a month from now. That's September 4th-6th for anyone at all excited about this very exciting news.

Ron says: "And when I say "showing", I really mean "showing", like in "actual" "game play".

Better start praying at that Nor Treblig Shrine right now!

Source: Grumpy Gamer



  • neon_git on 11 Aug, 2009, 12:58…
    Woo! Hopefully DeathSpank will be a huge success after which Hothead can finish the Penny Arcade episodes without fear of going bankrupt.
  • The Tingler on 11 Aug, 2009, 13:08…
    Is that the reason why Episode Three is taking such a long time?
  • neon_git on 11 Aug, 2009, 13:28…
    Bankrupt might be a bit of an exaggeration on my part, but I do think they needed more money to come in than they were getting from the PA games. The Penny Arcade boys have described episode 3 as "in limbo" and it's fair to assume lacklustre sales are the reason.
  • The Tingler on 11 Aug, 2009, 14:58…
    That surprises me. They were very good, very funny games and Penny Arcade is an absolutely massive license really.

    That said, they really needed to hype it more on the PA site. They barely talked about it at all out of some misguided sense of modesty. Also, maybe people weren't willing to part with their cash unless they knew when and where the next episodes were coming from.
  • Udvarnoky on 11 Aug, 2009, 12:24…
    First new game since Maniac Mansion? I don't think so!
  • Jeroen_JRP on 11 Aug, 2009, 12:59…
    I was thinking the same thing...
  • The Tingler on 11 Aug, 2009, 13:08…
    Okay, okay, he also had a hand in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Happy now?
  • tenochtitlan on 11 Aug, 2009, 13:32…
    Maniac Mansion -> 1987
    Zak -> 1988
    Indy 3 -> 1989
    MI -> 1990/1991
    Humongous games -> 1992-?

    If that's some kind of humor I don't get, I'm sorry :P
  • Radogol on 11 Aug, 2009, 20:46…
    Hello? Total Annihilation!
  • The Tingler on 11 Aug, 2009, 14:55…
    Considering we've been talking about almost nothing but Monkey Island for the last two months (and indeed most of Mojo's existence), I think you can count it as humor! ;)
  • Haggis on 11 Aug, 2009, 13:29…
    You're forgetting Putt-Putt! And, and... Freddi Fish!
  • Kroms on 11 Aug, 2009, 15:04…
    Pyjama Sam!

    I love Pyjama Sam. It's so beautifully innocent, I love it.
  • ocki on 11 Aug, 2009, 15:04…
    agh.. grow a sense of humor people! ;P
  • Kroms on 11 Aug, 2009, 16:14…
    Was just adding in Pyjama Sam to the Humongous list (oh what a pun).

  • tenochtitlan on 11 Aug, 2009, 15:55…
    Is that "thing" even around these days? ;)