Dargh Remi Feb 03. 2005 4 comments 10 Feb, 2005 / Comments: 1
This is a title This is a subhead This is some text of dubious character. Isn?t the use of ?quotes? just lazy writing?and theft of ?intellectual property? besides? I think the time has come to see a block quote.
This is a block quote. I?ll admit it?s not the most exciting block quote ever devised. Simple list: 1. one 2. two 3. three. Multi-level list: 1. one 1. aye 2. bee 3. see 2. two 1. x 2. y 3. three. Mixed list: * Point one * Point two 1. Step 1 2. Step 2 3. Step 3 * Point three o Sub point 1 o Sub point 2.
Well, that went well. How about we insert an old-fashioned hypertext link? Will the quote marks in the tags get messed up? No!