
Dare You Question the Simon? 10 May, 2002, 03:48 / 33 comments

It's time for a new poll! After the fat skeleton guy from the CMI cutscene finally pulled ahead after days of dead heat to win 55% to 45% against Largo in the "Who's cooler? Largo or the fat skeleton guy from that one cutscene?" poll, we decided it was time for a new one.

This poll has an E3 focus, asking "Who dared to doubt Simon's 50/50 policy?" For those not in the know, Simon Jeffery, the president of LucasArts, told Mojo readers we could expect about 50% original games this year (after last year's all-Star Wars E3 extravaganza). Needless to say, many were dubious.

"Just how many were dubious," you ask? Well we intend to discover just that. To find the answer, all you need to do is cast your vote down to the right over there!


  • Jake on 15 May, 2002, 10:12…
    As Metallus pointed out, I think the polls are doomed to be tied.
  • Metallus on 15 May, 2002, 20:13…
    Hey, I just was able to vote in the...?
  • Remi O on 15 May, 2002, 20:38…
    I was too. Looks like the script is slightly bugged.
  • fionabunny on 15 May, 2002, 09:14…
    duhhhh...who's simon jeffery?
  • Cursed Tuna on 12 May, 2002, 13:40…
    We all love you, Simon Jeffery, versatile and cunning leader, but, please, don't forget the faithful and trusting PC owners... give us original games, or at least good conversions from console titles.

    Thank you

    (ok, I am nasty lickspittle... sorry...)
  • ZeroXcape on 10 May, 2002, 22:17…
    50/50 eh?

    Before last week I may have bet against the fact that at least 50% of the games will be none-starwars; however, since the first three of seven games are indeed non-starwars titles... Simon may have done it.

    This all assuming the next four titles don't revolve around Episode II! :)

    Maybe next year will be all Star Wars again with one non-SW port! Who's with me? (I'm not expecting any supporters)

    (*serious side note: I'd never really like to see another LucasArts E3 like last year. If a sequel to Dark Forces II wasn't announced, I may have been as upset as the Mojo community. 50/50 should be a rule set in stone.)
  • Serge on 10 May, 2002, 07:28…
    Must agree with you all. Jeffery has truely turned LEC onto the right path - in more than one way. Even if none of the announced titles spawn my interest (let's face it. It's hard to make a game that'll spawn my interest... It's happened at most 15 times in the past 15 years), it's great to see the company get off the path of madness that it was on only a few years back. Good work, Simon!
  • Kingzjester on 10 May, 2002, 20:01…
    Bwaahahhehe.... Right path... still can't get over this... Allow me to quote Dante (a truly crappy translation, but the only one I remember) -- First terzina of the first canto of Inferno:

    "Midway along the journey of our lives,
    I woke to find myself in a dark wood,
    For I have wandered off the straight path."

  • Cursed Tuna on 11 May, 2002, 05:16…
    Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
    mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
    ch? la dritta via era smarrita
  • Serge on 10 May, 2002, 23:46…
    Anyway, since you've managed to turn a totally simple statement into a big matter that needs urgent discussion, I guess I'll have to clarify:

    Simon Jeffery has managed to turn the company towards the 50/50 ratio of original games/star wars-related games that he not only promised, but also makes the company able to make a profit without abandoning the original goal of LucasFilm Games Division, which was "to dramatically expand video game's story-telling capability, enhancing them with vivid interactive settings". Although this doesn't imply that original games are a necessity, no truly original writer would want to be constrained to the limited space that the Star Wars universe allows. There's a reason why, say, Tim Schafer never did a Star Wars game. So, to attract creative geniuses, it would be necessary to allow some freedom of originality.

    More than that, Jeffery at the same time seems to have relaxed the company policies that were evident while Sorensen was in charge. A great management indeed.

    I hope this explanation makes my point clear without more need for the jester to prove what a great scholar he is.
  • Serge on 10 May, 2002, 23:30…
    If you had bothered to get a decent translation, this post would have been pointless anyway, and we wouldn't want that, would we?

    Since "via" in "ch? la diritta via era smarrita" doesn't really translate directly to "path" from the original Florentine (it might as well be "road" - some translators don't use the image at all, since it was already a figure of speech in Italy at that time, not a Dante invention).

    The short reply to this, jester, would be: What Is Your Point? (other than self-indulgence)
  • Kingzjester on 11 May, 2002, 09:15…
    I don't speak Italian and I have acknowledged that the translation sux -- I'm really very happy that you can give justification to my claim that it does -- and I am grateful.
  • Kingzjester on 10 May, 2002, 19:49…
    The RIGHT PATH?! Geexus, we sound like some pseudocult obsessed with The DIVINE TRUTH! Hear ye, HEAR YE! The meaning of life can be found in these 'ere games!!! PLAY AND FIND SALVATION! INDULGENCE COMES IN A PRACTICAL CARDBOARD BOX AND COSTS ONLY $29.95! The name of the site doesn't help much in dispelling the cult aura either:})...

    Quite frankly, the moans from folk on this site I regarded as nothing more than wistful thinking... The truth is, Star Wars sells. I mean, stamping Star Wars logos on Enron stock would bring the company out of the inner malebolges of hell and up to heaven above... I was surprised that businessman have higher purpose to themselves -- such as to appease the few vocal fans -- as opposed to the never ending strive for more Jacksons, Franklins and Grants... then again, it is the rare few that change the world, no?

  • Jake on 11 May, 2002, 02:03…
    I like Monkey Island.
  • Serge on 10 May, 2002, 23:07…
    Well, you must excuse my lack of precision with the English language. Don't really feel like sitting here for more than a minute thinking about how to spew out 20 lines of nothingness in 30 seconds so that I may draw as much attention to my point (and my incredible wit) as possible...
  • Kingzjester on 11 May, 2002, 09:23…
    Dude, chill: I wasn't making fun of you! I was making fun of all of us here! The post was more of a sketch of my my train of thought on the matter of our religious devotion to non-Star Wars games or LEC adventure games -- rather than an answer to your post. That was some serious bantering considering that it was very late last night, though.

    I still don't get why you're so insulted...

  • Serge on 12 May, 2002, 06:10…
    Not as much insulted as not getting your point. The second post of yours, drawing poor innocent Dante into it just seems to be an attempt to throw out as much knowledge as possible for no apparent reason other than to show that knowledge. I'll admit that my choice of words for the first post did lend you a hand on that. Anyway, let's just leave it at that. Not insulted, just baffled. :)
  • Kingzjester on 12 May, 2002, 12:31…
    the right path reminded me of Dante, which in turn gave the religious connotation (bah -- to me it seemed so at least) to the whole discussion... I just thought I needed to clarify my angle, so I quoted Dante... :}|
  • Trapezoid on 10 May, 2002, 17:16…
    Yeah, like I've always said, if he can take on New Yorkhenge and WIN YAYY!!!!, then the man's capable of anything.
    Too bad there aren't any straight adventures on the lineup this year, though. :( Maybe there'll be some more announcements after E3.
  • Serge on 10 May, 2002, 23:32…
    Doubt it :) Well, maybe one, but it seems they have more than enough on their hands.
  • Metallus on 10 May, 2002, 19:57…
    But they haev gunz and they'll shoot him!!11
  • The_Petrified_Monkey on 10 May, 2002, 04:18…
    Simon Jeffery kicks ass all over the world PLUS he is British which is always a plus... :-) However, I was not entirely convinced with his statement but hey, a guy can be wrong. He probably thought making loads of Episode 1 games was a good idea. A guy can be wrong...
  • Marek on 10 May, 2002, 04:38…
    Ep 1 games? Weren't those still under the reign of the Sorensen fella?
  • spaff on 10 May, 2002, 04:43…
    i believe so.
  • The_Petrified_Monkey on 10 May, 2002, 05:00…
    Ok, ok. So I was wrong. I lost faith in the team at LEC but Simon has good ideas but who was to know that he would come through in such a way.

    Of course, the proof is in the pudding. Let's hope these new original titles, along with the nice looking Star Wars ones, turn the ship around for Lucasarts. I, for one, believe that they are finally back on the right track.
  • spaff on 10 May, 2002, 05:05…
    Simon is doing a lot of good for the Company
  • The_Petrified_Monkey on 10 May, 2002, 06:16…
    That IS what I was getting at in the last paragraph. He is also a good spokesman for the company. He is the type of guy who you could agree with even if he was talking out of his rear quarters.

    However, as his statement from last year is coming into full fruition, it appears that he has not only got the gift of the gab but the power and brains to turn the company around. I am 100% behind him now, so long as these games turn out to be full of Lucasartsy entertainment. That is what we have all wanted for the past 4 years of dull pastures...
  • spaff on 10 May, 2002, 04:02…
    I'm in love with him
  • Kingzjester on 10 May, 2002, 12:06…
    I had my doubts about this... what will grandma think?
  • QueZTone on 10 May, 2002, 16:43…
    she's just angry cause she'ss in luvvvvv with him too. I'm just in luv with Wheeler, for now.
  • Jake on 13 May, 2002, 20:54…
    "Just call me Eugene" says Wheeler.
  • Marek on 10 May, 2002, 07:01…
    Whoah there buddy, I wouldn't go that far! :P
  • Marek on 10 May, 2002, 04:01…
    Simon Jeffery rules!