
Craig Derrick still pushing for more adventure! 15 Aug, 2012 / 4 comments

Between watching and commenting on German TV, Craig Derrick takes the time to answer questions from ex-Mojoers such as Narrative Web Squirrel:

Web Squirrel

@craigderrick please please plz return to making non-star wars games using your adventure games licences. The world misses games with story.

Craig Derrick

@WebSquirrel The Special Editions were always just the beginning so as long as I'm there you can count on me pushing for new adventure games

Keep pushing, Craig!



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    Narrative on 15 Aug, 2012, 19:37…
    "PUSH PUSH COME ON! - Epidural for Derrick please"
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    clone2727 on 15 Aug, 2012, 19:20…
    He is right about American Dad, though.
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    valkian on 15 Aug, 2012, 19:16…
    He is going to get fired just for saying "adventure games".
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    pfranzen on 15 Aug, 2012, 19:16…

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