
Clint Chats 18 Feb, 2024 / 3 comments

Much as I tried, I couldn’t find a good pun for “Bajakian,” so my apologies for the vanilla headline. But he does chat, Clint! For four-and-a-half hours.

Interesting as I’m sure it is, I haven’t started it yet because… four-and-a-half hours. One handsome man’s unsolicited opinion is that something like this is better suited for podcasts, a medium designed for chunk-sized on-the-move consumption. I’m sure listeners gladly would chip in on Patreon, too, just for the convenience.

But, if YouTube is what we got, then that’s what we’ll try to watch.

And speaking of Patreon



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    TechTalkwithDanielAlbu on 21 Feb, 2024, 19:11…
    This is the new link to the podcast page!
    Tech Talk with Daniel Albu Podcast
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    Remi on 19 Feb, 2024, 20:26…


    Your wish is my command.
    Tech Talk with Daniel Albu is coming to a podcast platform near you!

    From now on, each new conversation will first premiere on YouTube, followed by a podcast release 3 weeks later.

    On Spotify, you'll also have access to the video of conversation:

    (The Clint Bajakian conversation will premiere on March 11th on all platforms)

    Awesome! Be a good way to catch up on those I might miss on YouTube.
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    TechTalkwithDanielAlbu on 19 Feb, 2024, 18:19…
    Your wish is my command.
    Tech Talk with Daniel Albu is coming to a podcast platform near you!

    From now on, each new conversation will first premiere on YouTube, followed by a podcast release 3 weeks later.

    On Spotify, you'll also have access to the video of conversation:

    (The Clint Bajakian conversation will premiere on March 11th on all platforms)

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