Secondly, we go into another 'Impossible Sound Competition' (also known as 'What's that noise?') featuring two clips from LucasArts games. The first one we try to guess, but the second one is for you to guess (please send in your ideas to the same address). It's a tough one this week!
This is also our penultimate show for a while, and we've decided to go out with a bang (quite literally)... Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion to this week's EXPLOSIVE cliff-hanger!
Listen below, or go to our to download a higher quality copy. Listen to previous episodes here. Subscribe in iTunes here. Thanks to Roger 'Zaarin' Roger for editing and producing.
Damn, this sound has truly stumped me. I went through all the possibilities of what it could be: Nur-Ab-Sal, Chaos, Kerner/Ubermann (in God form), General Mohc in Dark Forces, the dragon in Sam and Max... all negative. Are you guys sure this was in a LucasArts game? :P
It's too low quality to be from anything of the Windows-era too...
So yeah, it's a hard one this week. But you get points for trying, and for having a guess... and if anyone can identity an obscure sound from an old game it's the LucasArts fan community.
It's too low quality to be from anything of the Windows-era too...