
Bounty Hunter Details Revealed 21 Mar, 2002, 13:11 / 6 comments

In a press release issued today from LucasArts, it has been revealed that Star Wars Bounty Hunter will be a third-person action game for PlayStation 2 and GameCube systems this fall. This game will allow you to play as Jango Fett across six worlds and 18 levels. Plus, it seems this title has been given a high production priority. Here's a quote:
The development of Star Wars Bounty Hunter utilizes the unique, world-renowned talents of LucasArts' sister companies Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) and Skywalker Sound. This marks the first time other companies in the Lucas group have combined their expertise in the production of a LucasArts game. ILM is generating cinematics for Star Wars Bounty Hunter, and Skywalker Sound is creating sound effects for the game.
Now what other game company can compete with that? Although sadly, no screenshots were shown at this time.


  • harbrush on 22 Mar, 2002, 08:50…
    Damnnn!! I getting nasty of star wars!! grrr what's that? LUCASARTS?? OR STARARTS! damn... :'(
  • Jake on 22 Mar, 2002, 10:38…
    At least wait until May and E3 mania before you decide whether or not you are going to be pissed off.

    And, for all you know Bounty Hunter could be fun!
  • Remi O on 21 Mar, 2002, 14:23…
    Hmmm... Didn't ILM create some of the cutscenes for The Dig?
  • Jake on 23 Mar, 2002, 11:51…
    The press release is probably referring to this being the first time all 3 divisions have teamed up on a project, not just LucasArts getting the help of another team.
  • maclaine on 23 Mar, 2002, 01:51…
    They (LucasArts) probably don't consider "The Dig" a "game" anymore. Just "that boring stuff we used to do."
  • telarium on 21 Mar, 2002, 14:40…
    That is correct. I'm not sure whether or not they've been involved in LEC cinematics since then, unless you count using Star Wars Special Edition models in Rogue Leader.