
Best Voice Acting 12 Jan, 2001 / Comments: 8

There is an article on Gamespot entitled
'Readers' Choice: The Best Voice Acting in Games' in which Full Throttle comes in at 5th place, EMI & CMI come in 3rd place, and GrimFandango in 2nd :
"The voices fit the appearance of the characters perfectly. They were also so well acted that even though I played and beat the game a few years ago, I still remember them as soon as they're quoted!"
- Full Throttle

It is a nice article, with other games featured like Metal Gear Solid and System Shock2, go see who number 1 is...



  • C Shutt on 13 Jan, 2001, 13:06…
    Gabriel Knight 3? That game had some of the worst voice acting ever. The numerous dismal French accents are bad enough, but the "Australian", John Wilkes, really made me cringe. The acting in GK1 was good, though. Just a quick comment about this update. Why is it here? Weeks ago, I submitted news about the original article at GameSpot, which featured Full Throttle among the editors' choices. It was completely ignored. What's so different about this? Monkey Island is mentioned? This site is a joke, it promotes itself as some kind of definitive source on LucasArts information, but unless news relates to Escape from Monkey Island, they don't give a shit.
  • spaff on 14 Jan, 2001, 13:09…
    you may have submitted it, but we dont always have time to post every peice of news we get, i post as many as i can, some are missed out. i saw this link on we post a lot of news other than EMI, it just happens that emi is the newest game so there is a lot more news on it incase you didnt notice ok? besides ive jsut located your email, it was unread, and was from the time when i couldnt recieve any mail for 2 weeks.
  • QueZTone on 13 Jan, 2001, 21:51…
    Then when it isnt all that important to you don't bother to come here anymore or post your bad language here. I think this is a great site and has lots of...ermm karma or mojo or whatever hehe...And don't you dare writing a reply on this because then you'll only confirm the fact that you do care about this site :P
  • Remi O on 13 Jan, 2001, 22:32…
    Carl Shutt always has a pissy attitude... Nothing new there.
  • Hanzu on 12 Jan, 2001, 14:11…
    I was sure that Gabriel Knight 1 & 3 would come as the first one, but duh! I can't believe they weren't even in that bloody list. I mean, Tim Curry as Gabriel Knight is perhaps the best voice-over ever, beating kinds of Dominic Armato and Roy Conrad which are right next to the excellent voice of Curry. It just isn't fair...
  • Mad Lord Snapcase on 14 Jan, 2001, 15:15…
    I have to say that the Narrator in Gabriel Knight (acclaimed character actress Virginia Capers) is simply the best piece of voice acting ever.
  • Jojo- on 12 Jan, 2001, 16:10…
    Same here. Tim Curray was damn good in GK3, and I can't belive GK3 wasn't in the list!
  • Remi O on 12 Jan, 2001, 15:42…
    I think the general consensus is that Curry managed to ruin the whole mood in Gabriel Knight 3... He was good in GK1 though.